Homemade meal delights - Nutrition, Taste, and Love

I love good food and can be very picky about my choices of food, the taste, texture, and nutrients must be checked before I indulge, but what I really don't like is the stress of cooking, don't look at me like, I'm being sincere, I'm that daughter that prefers to be served rather than cook, but when I'm given the choice to be served home cooked meal or restaurant meals you probably think I'll go for the latter, far from that.


For someone who doesn't like cooking stress, one would think that I would give up home made meals for takeout just to avoid the stress of cooking, hell no!, no matter how much I don't the stress, I still cook every day, because food is one of the basic needs of life and I think what we put into our system deserves to be treated with utmost care and given the best attention so we are sure that we are eating right.

And what does one classify as eating right, this means making sure that our food Is packed with the right nutrients, also prepared In a clean environment alongside using clean utensils, and to round it up, tastes delicious. If you get the chance to visit some of the kitchens where these restaurant foods are made, trust me, some of us will never order from there, this does not apply to all restaurants though. I also know that some people don't mind what they eat as long as it quenches their hunger, they are good to go but for me, nutrition and taste matter a lot, when food doesn't taste right, no matter how I force myself I won't be able to eat, and if I go ahead and ignore my warning senses, I might pay dearly for it with my health. To be 100% sure of my meal choices at most times, I rather prefer to cook my meals than patronize a restaurant. This doesn't mean that I don't visit the restaurant occasionally, but not as regular as my daily cooking schedule and it is one I must have tried and be sure they serve good meals, like I stated, it isn't a regular for me.


What about when it gets too busy?

To be frank, my schedule has been very busy for as long as I can remember, compiling my mum and wife duties, studies, hiving and also as a businesswoman, that I often think that 24 hours is not enough for me, but in all of this tight schedule, somehow I still find a way to fit in cooking into all of these activities even as more as twice daily, first in the morning and other times in the evening, because I mostly prefer freshly cooked meals, same as my family, I think this habit traces back from the way I was brought up, though it's tiring preparing different meals daily to satisfy the taste of me and my family, I don't mind it at all, daily cooking has already been a part of me, even when I have leftover food, rice for instance stored in the fridge, I would always prefer the freshly cooked one, I have tried to modify this habit of mine several times, but still fall back to what I'm already used to. When I tell a friend or neighbour for instance that I don't like cooking stress, they hardly believe me because I'm a good cook and also a daily cooking mum.

If I have to choose one reason why I can't give up home cooking for restaurant meals, my children would be my number one reason, I can't compromise their health and feeding because I seek comfort from patronizing restaurants rather than cooking, they are still very little and now is the right time to make sure they eat right so they grow with a sound healthy body and mind, and who is better to prepare and monitor a child's meal if not the mum.

All images used are mine

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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