What alcohol made him do: The miracle of 3 loaves.

Hello! Welcome to my blog. Today is another interesting comedic episode of the hivelearners weekly topics.

This is a true life story, I decided to tell it as a fictional story. Grab your popcorn and sit tight!

Once upon a time in a small town, there was a man who found himself in a bit of a pickle. You see, his dear wife had gone on a trip, leaving him alone to take care of their mischievous little rascals. Now, this man was determined to prepare a meal for his two kids before heading off to work, but his children had other ideas.

No matter what he tried, the kids just wouldn't let him cook in peace. He offered them biscuits and candies, but they still continued to cry and cause a ruckus. He said that if she were around he wouldn't bother himself with all these, because it is her duty and she knows how to manage it properly. Feeling at his wit's end, he decided to seek some advice from a friendly shopkeeper (that's me!) on how to keep his little troublemakers occupied while he worked his magic in the kitchen.

Looking for an alternative to the never-ending supply of sweets and biscuits, I suggested he try some delicious puff puff. The man, worn out from his kids' antics and tired of spending a fortune for temporary peace, finally understood the true value of his wife's presence. With hope in his eyes and a newfound determination, he left the shop armed with a bag of puff puff and dreams of a peaceful cooking experience.

However, fate had other plans in store for our weary father. Later that evening, he came stumbling back to my shop, reeking of alcohol and sporting a rather unsteady gait. As he clumsily reached for a loaf of bread, he slurred his words and asked me how much it cost. Trying to keep a straight face amidst the overpowering smell, I told him it was #600 per loaf 🍞. To my surprise, the man ended up buying not one, not two, but three whole loaves!

With a worried heart, I watched him stagger back home, unable to shake off the concern for his children's safety. It was clear that he wasn't in his right mind — controlled more by the spirits he had consumed than his own rational thoughts.

The next morning, he returned to my shop, only to find me absent as I had gone to the market. However, he patiently waited for my return. It was at this moment that our amusing conversation unfolded.

"Good day madam," he greeted me as I arrived at the shop.

"Good day," I replied, curious as to what he wanted to confirm.

"Erm... madam, don't be angry, I need to ask you something," he nervously stammered.

"Of course, go ahead," I said, wondering what could possibly be troubling him.

"Erm... erm... madam, did I buy bread from you yesterday?" he finally asked, his words slurring slightly.

Smiling, I reassured him, "Yes, that's correct. What seems to be the problem?"

Looking flabbergasted, he exclaimed, "Madam, you didn't do well at all! You knew I was drunk, yet you sold me three enormous loaves of bread! Why na?"

Fighting back laughter, I composed myself and tried to understand his point of view. Then, he continued with a mix of confusion and amusement in his voice.

"This morning, I woke up and saw my children eating a big loaf of bread and the remaining two were still very much packaged. I asked my children who bought it for them, and they replied, 'Daddy, it's you na!'"


He has been thinking about how and when he bought these bread, he couldn't recall the whole incident, rather he began to ask from one shop to another to know who sold him the bread.

At that moment, the hilarity of the situation struck me, and I burst into uncontrollable laughter. Oh, the irony! His tipsy purchase had become a source of confusion for his little ones, who innocently assumed their daddy had brought home the bread while under the influence.

Sometimes, husband's don't appreciate their wives, they don't realise the effort mothers put into taking care of children no matter how many children they are, until she is away. Fathers should also learn to support mothers especially with the kids or house chores in order to reduce the workload.

Drink responsibly and don't be carried away by the bitter taste in order not to get drunk to stupor.

And so, dear readers, laughter truly is the best bread-served-while-intoxicated!

Image is mine.
Thank you for stopping by 🌸

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