Two things strong enough to separate me from my phone.

Hello! Welcome to my blog. In today's post I will share the two things that has the nerves to keep me away from my phone.


In the fast-paced world we live in, the influence and impact of phones cannot be denied. They have become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing communication and providing us with endless opportunities and conveniences. However, for every benefit they bring, there are also inherent drawbacks that we must acknowledge.

Albert Einstein once expressed his concern about technology, remarking that it may lead to a generation that prioritizes gadgets over true human interaction. Sadly, this prediction seems to be coming true as phones increasingly replace face-to-face conversations. Even within families, it is not uncommon to find members communicating through their phones rather than engaging with each other directly. And in social settings like dates, friends often divert their attention to their screens, rather than forging meaningful connections.

I must admit that I am also guilty of being attached to my phone for a significant portion of my time. It has become my go-to source of relaxation and entertainment, providing me with a much-needed break from the pressures of daily life. Furthermore, if I ever feel lonely or isolated, my phone acts as a companion, offering me a sense of connection to the world around me. In times of need, it serves as a source of making money and an access to news and information.

Undeniably, phones have played a crucial and positive role in my life. I cannot imagine going a full 24 hours without my phone, as it has become such an essential part of my routine. However, I have recognized the importance of setting boundaries and finding moments where I can detach myself from its allure.

There are two specific instances when I consciously distance myself from my phone.

Firstly, during times of spiritual reflection and meditation, I make a conscious effort to create an environment free from distractions such as my phone. Whether it is in a place of worship or in the solace of my own home, I prioritize giving my undivided attention to communing with a higher power.

Secondly, I have also learned to limit my phone usage to save money. Data consumption has become a significant expense, and by reducing my dependency on it, especially for non-essential purposes, I can effectively manage my finances. Of course, there are instances where my phone contributes to my income generation, but overall, being mindful of my expenditure has become part of my financial discipline.

Coping with the pervasive influence of phones requires self-discipline and conscious decision-making. As the saying goes, "the chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they become too strong to destroy." It is crucial to actively balance the time spent on our phones with quality time spent with loved ones, personal growth, and nurturing healthy social relationships. By making informed choices and striving for a harmonious integration of technology into our lives, we can optimize productivity and maintain a healthy digital-life balance.

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