With $1,000,000 -Never will I...

One million dollars is quite a lot of money and it is more than enough to bring my dreams to reality. Seeing the Hive learners contest for week 46 episode 1 got me thinking of what life would look like for me if I truly had such money, it means I am a millionaire.

Being a millionaire means I can get to live in the kind of house I want, use my dream car, invest as much as I can, give my family a beautiful life, help as many people as possible, and do many other things.


Naira, the Nigerian currency has lost so much value in recent years, and having a million dollars means I have over half a billion naira.

That's huge, I can accomplish a lot of things with that money and I am certain that I won't return to the trenches except I visit there to bring people out of there. I wrote some time ago about things I would love to do if I had such money but this time, it is about things I will never do if I had a million dollars.


Money can be very tempting and it would require more than lots of discipline to be able to manage such an amount of money if it comes unexpectedly. I have a habit of planning ahead when it has to do with money, I don't know if it is a good or terrible habit but I love doing that. If I get a thousand dollars right now, I won't start racking my brain on what to do with it because I have a list of things I want to do with money and they are arranged according to how important they are to me.

Doing everything on the list at a go won't affect a million dollars and that's where the temptation sets in. Sometimes, having more than enough can make you want to add more to your list and the excitement that comes with such money can trigger us to make wrong decisions that could make us regret later in the future.

Honestly, I can't think of a lot of things I will never do if I have such money and you can't blame me for that because I am a millionaire. There are a few things though, I feel like they are things I must never do if I want to maintain and multiply the wealth for as long as I live.

Allow the money to stay idle.

We all must have heard the saying that an idle mind is the devil's workshop, it would interest you to know that the saying applies to a lot of things.

Leaving your money idle means not doing anything with it and it is very dangerous. A lot of things happen when you leave such a huge amount of money idle and none of it is good.

  • An idle money depreciates: there is inflation happening globally and I don't see things getting better. I won't allow my money to stay idle so it doesn't depreciate in value, we all know that $1 million will only reduce in value if nothing is done to increase the value.

  • An idle money is exposed to wasting: The chances of digging into such money for an unnecessary thing are high when it is just there. Taking from it bit by bit for no specific purpose just because it is idle will put us in shock when we discover how much we have wasted. It will definitely come with regret when what the money was used for is unaccountable.

Instead of leaving it idle, I will rather invest the last penny of it.

I won't stop working.

I have always had this at the back of my mind that no matter how rich I become, I won't stop working. It won't be the regular hustling and bustling because, with that money, I will do more smart work than hard work.

That stage in life is when I just have to put money to work. Working despite being rich will help the mind and brain to stay sharp, I get to make more money by working as well.

I will never deposit have such money deposited in the bank or leave it in fiat.

Firstly, it would be best to receive such money in cryptocurrency instead of fiat, and a stablecoin like HBD and others can do the magic. Having a million dollars will have me investigated and interrogated by different security agencies so it is wise for me to even deal with crypto when investing.

This will save me from the bank and police stress when I have to make heavy transactions.

A long time ago, I was wondering what our money is been used for by the banks and I discovered those people are ripping us badly. It is really unfair how banks treat their customers despite using our money to boost their wealth.

Putting the money in my bank account will make it idle and whether the money is clean or not, these people can make life difficult for you as long as they have your money in their care. I have huge plans of earning passively on Hive so it would be best to just let the money remain in crypto.

There are behavioral parts to the things I will never do if I have a million dollars. I mentioned earlier that having so much money can be tempting and it sometimes get into people's head.

  • I have always stayed humble and I will never let pride in myself because I have so much money.

  • I will never look down on people, oppress or maltreat anyone because I am rich.

It is easier to say many of these things than to do them and that's why I choose planning even before I lay my hands on money. Adequate planning will help me get the money to use first and every other thing can follow.

Thanks for reading.

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