RE: Year-end holidays,nothing special at the end of this year

Hi buddy, it's been a while and I am happy that you are back. Writer's block happens to many of us and we just take that short break to help ourselves feel better mentally.

Sorry to hear about your wish to take your kid on vacation but you can't, I know how it feels when parents can't do what they really want for their children but it doesn't make you a failure.

I never had to opportunity to go on vacation as a child or even during my teenage days but it doesn't make me feel less about the season because my family makes it really special. We value and cherish togetherness, we celebrate at home together and still, we are happy.

The outing is not the key to happiness, you can still be happy with your child while at home. See the moment as a time to bond better and create beautiful memories.

I wish you happiness and pray that God answers our prayers.

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