My Simple Weight Loss Journey.

The need for weight loss is a trend in the world today, a lot of people now see the need to shed some weight unlike before when adding more weight was the goal. In the world today, people would go to any length to get a flat tummy and only gain weight in some specified place in their body.

There was a time many people want to look big so that they can be seen as someone who is living okay, people believe that big stature would earn them respect but they were indirectly causing problems for themselves. I don't know what changed that mentality and today we can see people enrolling in the gym, drinking tea and others just to shed some weight.

I have barely seen cases of people that naturally need to gain weight but it happens, there are situations when people need to gain some weight due to complications or for survival sake. I have never had any reason to add weight, I hate feeling heavy and as a man, adding excess weight will be one big mistake because it can affect us in so many ways.

A lot is at stake with excessive weight and aside from the physical challenges, there are health challenges attached to being overweight and we should keep ourselves in shape at all cost. Keeping oneself in shape doesn't mean you need six packs or big muscles, there is more to staying fit than having six packs to show for it.

I used to have a very big guy as a coursemate then, he do complain about girls dumping him for smaller guys and I told him what the problem was. The simple truth is that his weight was affecting his sexual life and these girls end up leaving because his good personality wasn't enough for them. I felt sorry for him because it is a natural thing, he is not the kind who eats junk but was lazy. He can't walk for five minutes and he would rather sit at a spot for 30 minutes than walk before getting a bike or bus.

The highest I have reached was 98kg and it was a big problem for me back then. I once shared a story of how I couldn't walk for about four months and that was how my weight gain issue started.

Naturally, I am a huge person but not the meaty type, I have got big bones. The tendency for me to gain weight at every slight chance my body get is high so I have always made sure I put my body under some stress just to put my weight under control but that time when I couldn't walk was different.

I spend most of my time sitting or sleeping and if I must go out, I am always on the bike or bus. I started feeling heavy and my body system wasn't finding it funny, it contributed to my unstable blood pressure and I became scared of what I was becoming.

My chin got bigger and belly as well, reducing my food intake didn't work. I added so much weight and it went on like that until I started walking again.

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Shedding weight is a must so I started with walking the distance that I normally take a bike for.

My job has to do with moving around a lot and it helped. Whenever there is no bus, I trek until I get a bus instead of waiting at the bus station. There was the risk of hurting my leg again but I couldn't settle for the new weight I added while I wasn't feeling good, I was warned about not putting stress on the leg but countering pain with pain has always been my healing process and even though it hurts, the result is always good for me.

Despite the stress, I wasn't feeling satisfied with the progress so I decided to join my younger brother's friend who plays football. He put me on some drills that worked for me, it hurts doing those exercises but it fastened my weight loss progress and in a short time, I even dropped more than the usual weight.

I was okay with that because adding weight gradually will happen, I returned to my normal trekking routine and things have been normal since then. Whenever I notice that I am adding weight, I just increase my trekking time and jog if there is need for it.

In a nutshell, shell, putting my weight under check has been possible with my daily activities. Farm stress, trekking and other things have helped put me in shape.

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