Combining the power of the mind and body for success.

It's a really hot day in Lagos, I feel like I am going to roast if I walk too much in this weather. I didn't have a choice though, getting a new space for the ponds seems difficult but I believe good news will come up before the end of the week.

While returning from where I went to meet with someone concerning the space, some things kept playing in my head. The thoughts I was having were influenced by @galenkp and @starstrings01 article, you can read ( Link 1 and Link 2) and learn from them as well.


Every human was born with two kinds of powers which they are going to need all through their existence. They are the power of the body and that of the mind, the survival of every human depends on how well they utilize these powers.

They are irrelevant at some point in life but the need for them naturally sets in and somehow, we find ourselves using them always. The importance of these powers is naturally balanced but due to ignorance and some other reasons, a lot of people choose one over the other.


The power of the body.

The power of the body is the most used by humans and I think that's because it is the first we get to use as a human. As kids, we did a lot of things without thinking (We played football, climbed trees, raced on the streets, and did many other things) because our body was capable of doing it. The eye, mouth, hand, and every other part have a significant purpose, and engaging them appropriately in whatever you are doing means you are using the power of the body.

The power of the body was enough since we had zero use of the mind then but as we grow, the demand for the power of the mind sets in and unfortunately, a lot of people couldn't utilize the power of their mind when the need for it came up.

I checked thoroughly and the first time I exercised the power of the mind was in my first year in junior school. A friend of mine tops the class always because he was good at mathematics. I settled for the second position every term until one day when I told myself that I can do better than him.

It has always been about reading and writing the exam but that term, I told myself that I can do better.

Applying the power of the mind changed my approach toward the exam and from that day, he didn't beat me in any exam till I left the school.

A lot of people depend so much on the power of the body forgetting how important it is to combine it with the power of the mind. They overused the power of the body and feel really disappointed when things don't work out for them as planned.

Some students studied well enough for exams but because they don't trust their ability, they end up performing below expectations.

The best student in my department failed to defend his project properly, we knew he was capable but on that particular day, his self-esteem was down and it affected his grades.

He rehearsed severally with us, and everything was perfect except that he wasn't confident which ruined everything he had prepared for.

The power of the body is a must-use since every part of our works together on everything we do but most time, applying just the power of the body won't give the expected result.


The power of the mind.

The mind is a very powerful tool but a lot of people underestimate its abilities. If people utilize the power of their minds positively, they will have achieved better results than they are doing.

The power of our mind is equally needed just like the power of the body, using the mind's abilities without working towards achieving your goals is a waste.

It is pointless saying that I can do what people think I can't do when you don't even attempt it. Believing you can do it is applying the power of the mind while putting your body into action is applying the power of the body.

The two powers need to be combined to achieve results and while working physically to achieve something, we must have a positive mindset as well.

These powers complement each other and I believe a lot of people can testify to it. There are times when the power of the body is not enough and the power of your mind is strong enough, it influences your body and you feel alive.

The mind can inspire you when the world doesn't believe in you, applying the power of the mind can give you an edge over others and that's one of the reasons why we need to utilize the power of the mind always.

We wouldn't possess either of these powers if there is no need for them, combining both is necessary if we are determined to achieve success in our life endeavors.

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