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The weight of my soft spot with people in need

I've come to realize that everyone has a weakness, something that makes them vulnerable. For me, IT's MY SOFT SPOT FOR PEOPLE IN NEED. Soft spot is an integral part of who I am. While it presents challenges, it also reminds me of the power of empathy and kindness. I hate seeing others suffer, and this compassion often leads me to assist those around me, especially children. This trait has been both a blessing and a curse, shaping my experiences and relationships in profound ways.


My journey with this soft spot began early in life. I recall taking care of a young girl from birth, nurturing her, and providing for her needs. I considered her my daughter, even though I wasn't married at the time. When I eventually got married, I brought her to live with me, thinking I was doing the right thing. However, her mother soon became a problem, accusing me of taking her child away. I sent the girl back to her mother when she reached junior secondary school,(year one), hoping to resolve the issue.

But my soft spot didn't let me rest. I took in another child, this time from a broken home, and raised her as my own. Her mother, who had abandoned the girl after six months, ran away to another African country and eventually resurfaced from nowhere after seeing her six-month-old baby turn into a grown-up teenager, demanding that I return her daughter. I felt betrayed and hurt, wondering if these people were ingrates. I vowed never to raise someone else's child again. Thank God, I have a child to call me mummy,🤔🤔

Yet, fate has a way of testing our resolve. The first girl reappeared in my life, seeking my help with university admission. Will I object to helping her? Of course, NO. The soft spot is working in me🤥 I'm torn between my desire to assist and the fear of getting entangled in another complicated situation.


The second girl, too, reached out, sharing her struggles on how she has been locked outside severally at night, a teenage girl🥲 Who on earth will do that in this era? Well, they are your parents, but it is so sad😢 Believe me, I couldn't sleep that night because my mind was with her and immediately, I started having thoughts of her coming back into my house again. Have I forgotten how I was called names? SOFT SPOT at work!

This pattern has become a recurring theme in my life. Just attract me with touching stories, and my soft spot compels me to help without any compromise. While it brings me joy and a sense of purpose, it also exposes me to potential trouble and heartache. Not today👌

I've come to understand that my soft spot is both a strength and a weakness. It drives me to make a positive impact, but it also makes me vulnerable to exploitation and emotional distress. I'm learning to navigate this delicate balance, setting boundaries while still allowing my compassion to shine through. Only if I can totally 🤷

I think I'll continue to embrace it, even as I strive to protect myself from potential harm. Perhaps, in the end, this soft spot will prove to be my greatest strength not weakness, allowing me to make a difference in the lives of those around me.

My response to the #hivelearners edition 127 writing contest on the topic; Weak points.

 Thank you for reading 💕