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Canva designed

Talking about health care in my country is zero to none. Nigeria is a blessed country but the country has been unfortunate when it comes to leadership. Bad leadership has eaten deep in to our system which has deteriorated development, advancement and effectiveness of all sectors Including that of the health which I will be talking about.
My emphasis will be on the good and the bad marks of the country's health sector on the public, but I'll be focusing on my own personal experience(s).

Starting with the good experience I had when I was pregnant for the first time. I was in my last trimester when I had pre-eclampsia,I was almost gone, throwing fit, teeth gnashing and gasping for breathe when I was rushed to a private hospital in another town because it was on a Saturday evening and my mother inlaw who was a retired matron in a government hospital knew that Doctors in the government hospital might not be available at that point and the protocols may endanger the situation. Can you see?

I was rushed to that private hospital, immediately they saw my condition,they started treatment without the normal procedure bookings and all sort because they chose saving lives over following protocols. Fortunately, my live and that of my baby were saved through Caesarian section (C-section).Even though, the baby had been separated from the placenta due to my condition but they saved us to the glory of God.

I spent two weeks in that hospital and throughout my stay, I was assigned two nurses that took care of me in a private room, I was not allowed to lift a pin, the nurses were always checking on me time to time. You know, I could walk but they just didn't want any stress for me at all, they were the one bathing me all throughout my stay. What about the C-section wound? It healed up before I left the hospital, never felt any pain of such because it was perfectly done and taken care of.

**BAD **
My bad experience was when I had to use the government hospital i.e General hospital for the delivery of my second child. I used that hospital for all my antenatal, I told them my experience during the first delivery but they care not.
I went for antenatal that day and it happens to be my last because I was already 40 weeks due. Do you know what? The doctor who attended to me that day didn't tell me anything, maybe I should not go home or I was due to be delivered, that was on Thursday.

Screenshot from my phone

Hmmm! On Saturday, I started having unbearable pains and we decided to visit the hospital. Lo and behold! The baby was coming but the dilation paused and there was no Doctor on ground.
The dilation stopped at 6cm from 8pm till the next morning, no further dilation and no Doctor on ground. I kept on shouting because the pain was heavy and unbearable.

My husband called for a C-section because he couldn't bear to see me in that pain. You know what? Anesthesia Doctor was not ground to inject me for the C-section process. Imagine! The baby in my womb was foetal distressed,he was tired and I was tired too.

After all that, Anesthesia finally came and everything went well but I was neglected again. My wound was not healing, they were not attending to myself and the baby like normal, they left us to take care of ourselves and we were discharged.

Phone image

On getting home, I fell sick, my surgical wound was oozing pulse, smelling and refused to heal. I couldn't stand on my own, Then, we went back to the hospital, we were told all will be well with a matter of time. They didn't attend to us again. It was my husband that nursed it till it healed. I won't forget what I went through in that hospital.
I would have been dead but God saved me.


~~*Tell us about the time the health care system in your country really impressed you while attending to you or someone you know. And then, tell us about how it disappointed you or someone you know. What significance did both event hold to you? *~~

Thank you for always reading through my post. I love you!