Happy New Year everyone, welcome to my blog. It's another creative Sunday, am so glad to share my beautiful painting. During the Christmas season, I got some big snails from the market to make a special snail stew. Snails are very expensive so I make them when it's a special occasion or when am very rich because I love snails. It's good to clean out the snails in the market because the women specialize in removing the snail from their shells without breaking the shells. After separating the snails from the shell, there is a wonderful beauty in the shells. Instead of disposing of the snail shells, I painted this beauty to behold. I have oil paint and spray paint from my previous creative works. I got some spray paint to add to the colours I don't have.



  1. Snail shells
  2. Spray paint or Oil paint
  3. Painting brush for oil painting
  4. Shiny sparkles


Getting the snail shells
There are ways to get the snails shells

  1. From the women who sell snails in the market: people buy snails and remove the shells in the market to avoid the slimy sticky substance inside them.
    You can get the shells from them for free.
  2. If you are not buying the snails, you can ask the women who sell snails for the shells for free or some of them ask for little money.


Washing the shells
After getting the snail, you take it home and properly wash with alum or you keep it in a bowl with a tight cover for two days this would allow the remaining substance inside the shell to get rotten and easy access out of the shell. Wash properly in a running tap with liquid soap and air dry.


Painting process
Now the shells are clean and dry, I painted them one after the other with different paint.
I used spray paint to make it dry fast, easy painting and very neat.
I started with spraying inside the shells before I continued with the outer part. While the paint is on the shells are still wet, I put the shiny sparkles so they can stick to the paint.
This beautifully painted snail shell remains the same for a long time, just clean whenever it's dusty.


After painting my snail shells, they became a beauty to behold.
You can place them in a beautiful tray and keep them on the table in the middle of your sitting room.
You can also display it on your shelf to beautify your house.
You paint and sell them to generate some funds for yourself.
As a school teacher, you could teach your pupils how to create beauty with snail shells.
You could gift it to a person who loves art and has a studio to display them.

This beauty of art is an addition to my creative works.
This is in response to the #creativeSunday contest.
All pictures are mine taken with my phone.
Thank you for reading.

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