How To Create High Quality Content?

High-quality content is the key to a successful blogging business on Hive. The other day, I published a guide to LeoFinance community pages. There was a small section at the end of the guide about post quality. This blog is an extension of that particular section which applies to all creators out there on Hive.

Quality is what makes your work stand out among thousands of other blogs that are competing for people's attention every day. We know that "quality" is subjective! But there are some basic points you need to keep in mind to get the highest quality when publishing long-form content on Hive or LeoFinance.

High Quality Content Is Authentic

Authenticity is one of the most important aspects of quality content. You need to be writing from a place of authenticity and transparency, not trying to impress or manipulate people with your knowledge. That doesn't mean you shouldn't make an effort to learn new things, but it does mean that if you're going to write about something, you should know what you're talking about.

When we talk about being authentic online, there are two parts:

  • being honest in how we present ourselves and our work
  • knowing what works best when it comes time for publishing on various platforms (Facebook vs LinkedIn vs Twitter vs Peakd vs LeoFinance).

Quality content requires both parts of this equation in order for it to be considered high-quality. Otherwise, it's just low-quality spam filled with buzzwords trying too hard! Being authentic also means that you should not copy and rehash others' content and put it out as your own. That's the fastest way to get nuked with downvotes.

High Quality Content Is Consistently Published

  • Consistency is the key to quality content: It is also important for readers. They want to be able to get their information from a source they can trust, and they appreciate that you're keeping them up-to-date with new articles on topics they care about.

  • Consistency is important for search engines: Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) takes this into account when ranking sites based on their authority, relevancy, and popularity on the web. If you publish high-quality content consistently, it will boost your SEO efforts by helping search engines understand what your content/blog is all about!

  • Consistency is important for your brand: Your brand identity includes everything from the colors you use in marketing materials to how often you post new content. When someone visits one of your blogs, it's essential that everything looks cohesive so visitors know exactly who has written something before deciding whether or not they trust that person enough with their reputation online (and possibly offline).

High Quality Content Is Unique

The first thing to keep in mind is that when you're writing quality content, you have to be unique. Don't just copy content from other sites or rephrase what others have written. This includes avoiding jargon and buzzwords that are overused on the web. It's important not to just rewrite the same things over and over again - instead, focus on creating original content with a unique voice and style.

High Quality Content Is Valuable To Your Audience

  • Relevance: Quality content is relevant to your audience, and not just in terms of the subject matter. Your writing should also be in a style that’s accessible and easy to understand, taking into account the background knowledge of your readers.

  • Clarity & Concision: If you have a lot of information to get across, consider finding ways of breaking up lengthy paragraphs or sentences without sacrificing readability. For example by using headings, subheadings, and bullet points.

  • Tone & Language Style: Good quality content will use simple words appropriately so that readers can easily understand what you mean without having their intelligence insulted or needing an English dictionary on hand while reading it! You may find this helpful if English isn't your first language too!

High Quality Content Is Focused On The Reader

  • Focus on the reader, not yourself - Your goal is to have your audience keep reading what you write because they're interested in learning more about a topic. Don't make it difficult for them by talking about how great you are instead of focusing on their needs!

  • Using their language, not yours - Don't use jargon or buzzwords that only make sense if someone else has gone through an identical experience as yours. Instead, speak in plain English so anyone comprehends what's being said without having any prior knowledge about what goes into creating quality materials for example

Keeping things simple but engaging enough so that people want more once they've read one piece from the start to the endpoint.

High Quality Content Is Thorough, But Not Overwhelming

The goal of quality content is to give your readers the information they need while avoiding overwhelming them. The key to accomplishing this is to focus on what's most important.

When you're planning your content, it can be tempting to include every single detail about a topic or field. But remember: not every detail is relevant for your readers. In fact some details may actually confuse them instead of helping them understand how something works or how it's used. If you've ever read an academic article that was so dense with information that you had no idea what it was talking about by the end of it, then you know what kind of effect too much information can have on a reader!

Include images and videos in your content when possible – they break up the text nicely while adding a visual element that makes it more interesting for readers.

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Not financial advice. For infotainment purposes only.

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