How To Be In The Top 1% Club On Hive?

In order to be a great creator myself, I follow a ton of other creators, especially writers to see what they do. While scrolling through my Twitter feed today, I found this gem:


This is so true in life and also on Hive. That's why I decided to create a blog explaining all three golden points w.r.t your growth on this platform:

Kill Your Ego

To be a humble person, you must first acknowledge that you don't know everything. This can be done by asking yourself questions such as "How do I know this?" or "What if I'm wrong?" It's important not to pretend like you have all the answers, because then people will never learn from you or take your advice seriously. Humility is about learning and finding out new things, not about proving how smart or knowledgeable or capable of performing tasks that require years of training in order to do them properly (like writing novels, playing soccer on TV, climbing mountains).

It's also important to keep in mind that being humble doesn't mean acting like a doormat; it means being kind and open-minded while still retaining an air of confidence in your ability and skill set. If someone makes fun of your shirt at work one day, don't give them any ammunition by apologizing for wearing it! Instead say something like: "Well actually this shirt was designed by me." Or even better: "I'm sorry but I wear whatever the hell shirt I want!" This way even though they might think less of your fashion sense now (because let's face it—your fashion sense sucks), they'll respect how confident and self-assured you are with yourself as an individual human being who has chosen this particular choice in clothing based on personal preference alone!

Same thing applies on Hive. More people will like you if you are helpful and empathetic. If you are egoistic, it is only going to cost you relationships and money on Hive.

Embrace Boredom

Boredom is a mental state and it can get so bad that at times it feels like you're in the midst of a mind-numbing existential crisis. This happens when you don't have any followers at the start and nobody is reading your blogs. It also happens to people who publish daily on similar topics. But here's the thing: there's no need to be afraid of being bored because boredom can actually be beneficial for your mental health. Boredom helps us stay focused and reminds us that there are bigger things than what we're currently doing or thinking about.

What does this mean for you? It means that whenever you feel bored, don't try to fight it or distract yourself from your current situation - just accept that this is how life works sometimes. You have to realize that if you really want something exciting, go ahead and take action. That will definitely get you the happy hormone you have been craving for. ✌️

Fall In Love With Consistency

At its core, consistency is about doing the same thing every day. If you show up on Hive every day, make a post, and/or do 10-15 comments, you are already ahead of 99% of people on Hive.

Here are some tips on how to become more consistent in your content creation routine, look no further:

  • Do the same thing every day and get better over time
  • Don't stress yourself with your bad performance at the start
  • Make it a habit to let it come naturally to you

Most people wouldn't care about this blog and forget these tips after reading it, but that doesn’t mean you have to be like everyone else. Instead, you can use this knowledge to stay ahead of the pack.

That's it for today folks. 🦁 Have a great time! See you in the next one.

Follow: @finguru


Discord: finguru#4062

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