Fall In Love With The Process, Not The Results!

You have spent a ton of time on writing your next blog, but you are worried whether it would get the upvotes it deserves. Most of us spend a lot of time thinking about and planning for results (money). But have you ever taken the time to think about what it actually feels like to live in a world where you get those results? That place where everything is just perfect, or at least close enough to perfect that you can stop taking steps to improve it? It will be quite boring because as humans we need new challenges everyday. Also, life isn't always perfect. Which is why loving your process (content creation) is more beneficial in the long term because no matter the result (money or no money), you are going to follow it with displine and interest.

Process Over Results

Have you ever looked at a great work of art and thought, “Wow. I wish I could make something like that.”

Then, you sit down to paint or write or sing or dance and get nothing done. Or maybe you do manage to produce something—but it's not as good as the thing that inspired you, so now what? You've still failed!

The problem is that most people think of results as the goal and process as just a means to an end. “This thing isn't working for me, so I'll try another one instead."

But here's the secret: Results are fleeting; processes are permanent. Results are a byproduct of your process; if all goes well, they give you feedback about where your current process needs adjustment (if anything). But even if everything goes according to process without any hiccups along the way—yes, even if there's no room for improvement—results still aren't in your control.

The Process Is The Goal

I’m sure you’ve heard this one before: the process is the goal. It’s a popular saying in self-help and wellness circles, but it can be hard to apply when we are constantly being told by society that results are what matter most.

The truth is, though, that the journey—the process—is where our happiness actually comes from. We don’t want results because they make us feel good; we want them because they prove something about ourselves or give us confidence in our abilities. But if we get too caught up on how much further we need to go, or what still needs improving, then we start to lose sight of all of those small successes along the way.

For example, you have started publishing on Hive to get the rewards, but the topic you are writing about is not from your interest area. You can do 10 such blogs but after that, you will start feeling burnout. Just imagine if you spend a whole fucking day and don't get any big upvote. It will demotivate you because you were always so focused on getting upvotes. That approach is not long term!

Make The Process Enjoyable

When you're in the midst of a creative project, it's easy to get caught up in the outcome. You have a vision for what you want and you're just waiting for it to happen. But when things don't go as planned or take longer than expected, we can easily become discouraged and lose hope in our work.

What if there was another way? It's important to remember that every step along the way is part of the process—and each step can be enjoyable! For example:

Make lists of everything you enjoying doing before you start writing your next blog. Personally speaking, I love the research part when it comes to Finance & Crypto. I love to write and create thumbnails. This helps me keep organized and focused on finishing each item before moving on to the next one without getting bored. Because at each step, I have something to look forward to. Even if I don't get enough upvotes, I am left with so many good learning experiences that are far valuable than money. I love my process so much that I keep doing it everyday and push myself even on days when I don't even feel like it.

Find The Positive

When you think about the process, what comes to mind?

  • Are you frustrated that your results aren't as good as they could be?
  • Do you think back on one of your goals and feel like it's hopeless to continue working on achieving it?

Perhaps you're still struggling with some self-doubt. These kinds of thoughts can make us feel stuck. But if we shift our thoughts to focus on the positive, we can move forward and get the results we want! When we think positively and act accordingly, positive things start happening in our lives—and when this happens consistently enough over time...well...we'll have some pretty amazing results anyway. xD That's why back of my mind, I know upvotes will come sooner or later. Not on this blog, then on another. I will focus on enjoying my content creation process.

When we look for reasons to be happy or grateful (as opposed to focusing on all that's going wrong), we naturally attract more things into our lives that make us happy. And when those things start showing up in greater numbers than before...what do you think happens next? We start feeling happier even more often! ✌️

Embrace The Struggle & Flow With It

The fact that you are trying something new is a sign that you are growing and pushing yourself to do better. If you were already perfect at whatever it is you’re doing, there would be no need to learn or push yourself any further! The only way to grow is by experiencing some sort of “struggle” in your journey. So don’t try to avoid obstacles or avoid challenges; instead, embrace them as signs that progress is being made!

Show Up & Trust The Process

You know what? I’m sick of this whole “show up and trust the process” thing. I mean, it sounds nice, but it doesn't really tell us what to do next. And that's where you come in!

The phrase is supposed to be a mind hack; something that allows you to bypass your fear and just get on with whatever new venture you're trying. When all else fails, they say, trust the process. But if we're not clear about what that means and how it works, how can we actually do it?

Trust is an extremely important part of success—there's no doubt about that—and there are many different ways for you not to trust yourself or others holding you back from reaching your full potential. But once we understand how these things work, then we can begin addressing them head-on instead of allowing them to keep us stuck in the same place forever!


The process is the progress and growth. The process is what gets you out of bed every day. The process is your goal and it’s the only thing that matters because it builds consistency and discipline over time which leads to success!

Not every step along the way will be enjoyable, but if you're committed to following your path and showing up, then eventually you'll get there. So keep publishing everyday mates and find your happiness in that. :))

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