5 Mindset Shifts You Need To Succeed On Hive

Hello Everyone,

Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend! When I started my journey of Hive I had a very different mindset. It made me waste a lot of time on petty things that did not even matter. In this blog, I am going to tell you all the things I learned the hard way so that you don't have to. I started applying these learnings and fixed my attitude which pushed my growth graph from linear to exponential. It wasn't a one-day process so a great level of patience is required. These mindset shifts will definitely help you in achieving long-term success as a creator on Hive. Let's begin!

Action Over Perfection

@starstrings01 wrote an amazing article yesterday highlighting the importance of action over perfection. Often times we feel that we do not have enough skills or resources to start creating content or do a new job. If you write, you are a writer. Similarly, if you create, you are a creator. The more you create, the better you get. In order to make things perfect, we do not allow good things to happen. Don't get stuck on a single blog or a video you always wanted to publish. Just get it done, take feedback, learn from it and move on to your next. When you do it thousands of times, you will definitely get better over time. Remember, consistency beats talent and luck any day.

Being Valuable Is Not Just About You

I see most newbies making this mistake. They always think about themselves, their upvotes and their rewards. STOP! Just stop. In order to get value, you must focus on providing value to others. Educate people, and help them in solving a problem. Entertain them or make them laugh. Encourage them to get better in life and make them feel better of themselves. Being valuable isn't just about YOU! Once you understand this simple concept, sky is the limit.

Screw The Rewards

Hive can be a toxic place. I feel it has the potential to do worse things to your brain as compared to other social media platforms. You automatically assume and get jealous by looking at others' rewards. This behavior is not great for your mental health and your focus. This is why you need to quit looking or rather stop caring about the rewards you get or other's get. Just screw the rewards, keep your head down and do your thing. Money will come!

Collaboration Over Competition

Hive is not a zero-sum game. There is no fight going on for the rewards. We are on a level playing field as creators no matter how much money you have in your wallets. A great way to achieve success on Hive is to help each other in achieving different goals. You can try to collaborate with other creators and create something together. That way you can reach more people and your audiences will get to see a nice crossover. People like two of their favorite creators coming together and delivering something new. Since it's a decentralized community, you won't believe that most people are quite reachable and ready to support you if you have some cool idea to execute. You just need to take the first step!

Selling Your Hard Earned Hive

There are some accounts with a high reputation on Hive but now they don't get as many upvotes on their posts. The reason is that they don't have any kind of influence left in the form of Hive Power or their content is not adding value as much. It was easier for them to get the rewards early on since there was less competition. Hive's userbase has grown over the past couple of years. Reputation is a number that could tell you give you an idea about the time a creator has spent on Hive. I have seen many newbies who make the same common mistake all the time. Selling all your Hive is almost a sin! If you are serious about this game, then you must power up your Hive as much as you can. Hive Power gives you influence on the platform. If you don't have influence, you lose others' interest. That being said, you must take profits from time to time and pay yourself too because you deserve it. But during your initial days, try to power up whenever you get the chance and build a base for yourself. You can use my exact strategy and become a pro at this game.

I hope you guys liked all the tips. Please do share your thoughts in the comment section. I am loving my time at the Hive Learners community. The response I got to my recent posts is mind-blowing and it motivates me to create more awesome content for you guys. Thank you and lots of love to everyone. Cheers! 🥂


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Not financial advice. For infotainment purposes only.

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