The thing that got me punished at school and I made it a life lesson


Memories at school cannot be forgotten by everyone, many stories of joy and sorrow must have been experienced by everyone, at school of course there are various kinds of student characteristics, there are good students who always obey school rules and there are also naughty students who often violate the rules that have been set by the school, and on this occasion I will tell you a memory from when I was in school that will never be forgotten by me.

At school I am neither a good person nor a bad student, I am in the middle class, once one day when I was on my way to school I saw a group of my seniors who were gathered on the side of the road, then I went to them and asked , what happened that they gathered outside the school, then they told me they didn't want to go to school that day, they had made an appointment with the kids from another school, they wanted to play football on a field far from both each school, heard they wanted to play football I immediately forgot about school at that time, I immediately asked to join them, even though I knew it was an act that violated school rules but at that time I preferred to play football with my seniors.

After we set a strategy and then we left, there I was the only junior, I don't care, what was on my mind at that time was I wanted to play ball and win the illegal match, long story short we managed to finish the ball game that day and we went home.

The next day I went to school as usual, when I arrived at school I was surprised to see my seniors who skipped yesterday have been lined up in the yard by the principal, then they pointed at me saying "He also followed us yesterday" damn, I was really scared at that time, then I was called by the principal to join the march with them, after we got the punishment then we were sent home to tell our respective parents that the principal wanted to talk to our parents, before anyone else Our parents came and faced the principal, we were not allowed to go to school.

At that time I was really worried and confused, to be honest I didn't dare to tell my mother, but on the other hand if my mother didn't go to the principal then I couldn't go to school anymore, I was forced to tell my mother the next day and tell her the truth. This happened, even though my mother was disappointed in me at that time, my mother was still willing to go to my school to see the principal so that I could go back to school as usual.

After that incident I promised myself not to repeat the things that made my mother disappointed, to be honest I'm not afraid of not being able to go to school again, but I don't want to disappoint my mother, I'm more afraid of hurting my mother's feelings, I feel very guilty with my mother at the time.

That incident became a valuable lesson for my life, after that incident I never skipped school again and never broke school rules again until I finally graduated from school.

Addendum: my mother never scolded me for that incident, mother loves me very much, that's the reason I don't want to disappoint mother again because of me, thank you mother, the way you educate me is so gentle, forgive your child who ever disappointed you.

Thank you for being willing to read my writing, hopefully my story this time can be a lesson for all of us.


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