Three things I frown at in any given moment

Hello, hivers! Today I would like to share with you three things I dislike dearly. Some of which many people can relate to, and some might find it normal. Why don’t we get on with it so you can discover what I’m about to tell you?

Image is mine

The first thing I dislike is physical touch from strangers or people I barely know.
Some people might not find this annoying, but I do. Firstly, I don’t like strangers touching me, whether we are in a public place or in a private place with people around. If you want to talk to me, you can walk up to me and say what you want to say, but you don’t have to touch me to pass on your message.
Traders in Lagos do this a lot. When you’re passing by a store or a market, the traders will run up to you and pull your hands to ask if you want to buy from them.
Also, people I barely know just coming to hold me or hug me for long-term sake—I don’t like this.

The next is gossip.
I really dislike the act called gossiping and the people who get involved in it. The fact that some people come together to discuss bad things about another person who hasn’t done any bad things to you in a disgusting manner makes me sick. If I liked a lady or a guy before and found this trait in them, I would dislike them immediately because if they could do it to someone who had done nothing wrong to them, then they could do it to me.

Even if the person has done wrong in one way or another, why not call them and talk things out like a mature individual? I still don’t know the fun people find in gossiping and backbiting. I really frown at this. I dislike this with passion, and if I find anyone doing this, I'll be very careful with that person forever; I won't trust them again.

Lastly, there is this animal I don't like, and I don't think anything can make me like it in this life or my next, and this animal is called a snake. I'm sorry if there are people who have snakes as pets and love them, but I'm sorry I don't, and I don't think there is anything that would make me like them. If I see a snake crawling near the gate of my house, I don't even want to know the size or age; the heavens will be welcoming home a snake. That's if there is one. I remembered a day we found a snake in our bathroom when I and my siblings were still very young. It was a small snake. We ran out of the house, then we went to call the hefty men in our street to help us kill it. After it was done, for days we found it hard to sleep at home.

I don't think I need to talk more about them anymore; with what I've said, it's very easy to understand. These are some of the things I dislike about passion. Thanks for reading.

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