The Respect of high ranking military personnel.

I have always loved the military, uniforms, the ranking system, respect, and everything about them. I am about to share a story that would put a smile on your face, and I am sure you will understand how the military influence goes.

Everything started after I was ready to serve my country in the National Youth Service Corps, which I will take part in for a year. I was fortunate to have an uncle in the military, and this uncle was a high-ranking uncle. He was the Master Wallant Military Officer and was recently promoted to Army Warrant Officer. After I told him about my one-year service, he requested I come to the country's capital so he could get to know me more, to which I agreed.

I was deployed to the city capital with his help, and I was staying with him in the barracks opposite the presidential villa. It was a very nice place to be; everywhere was so organized. And here the main story starts.

Before you continue reading, I welcome you to my blog. My name is Fashtioluwa, and I'm an alien from Mars. It's nice to meet you.

After spending a month in the capital, I was still finding the road confusing because it was my first time in the capital. One day I was on my way home from church; it was pretty late, but the gate was still open. When I got to the gate, I greeted the soldiers at the gate, but one of them stopped me. "Where are you going?" he asked, and I replied, I am going home. "Where do you stay?" another one asked me, and I said, "I stay at Yar-Adua barracks." This time around, they weren't going to let me leave. I told them I was staying with my dad, and I mentioned his name. At that time, I did not know the rank he possessed. One of them asked me to wait. From their conversation, I could tell they were new recruits, so I tried not to say anything to offend them.

I wasn't scared; I called my uncle, telling him I was at the gate, and the soldier at the gate wouldn't let me in. He asked me to give the soldier the phone, but he refused to take the call. He asked me to wait and not leave where I was.

A few minutes later, I saw my uncle's car at the gate.
Immediately after the soldiers saw him, they all stood still and gave their salutes. He asked one of them to call the senior who put them on duty. When he came, he said, "I am surprised the people you are putting to guard the gate don't know the names of their superiors." Tomorrow, come to my office by 3 p.m."

He asked me to enter the car, and that was all about the story. Ever since that day, the soldiers I know and the ones I don't know treat me with respect.

One lesson I learned from this is that, although the power wasn't used against me but influence matters a lot. Once you have power or are in a position that puts you above others, you can use it to your own advantage and the people you care about. Power is meant to protect those you love, and if I attain the position, I won't use my power to offer others, but I will use it to protect those close to me.

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