
Children upbringing is not a means to indoctrinate them into your ideology but to train them so that they can be responsible for any positive decision in life. It's gradually becoming like a trend now that children are raised with the motive that when their parents are old, they can reciprocate such virtue to them when they are old regardless whether they are buoyant or not financially, emotionally,or otherwise. I don't think this is fair for the young ones to be saddle with such responsibility. Train your child with love.

There should not be any ulterior motive in training or bringing up children. When a child is in the womb, it's the mother that houses him or her but when they are given birth they become for everybody. It's commonly said in my tribe that the child is not just for the parents but everyone in the environment to benefit either directly or indirectly. The young ones shouldn't be mandated with the responsibility of taking care of their parents. I believe if the parent will be honest and deliberately teach their children, they wouldn't need to be afraid of the aftermath during the old periods of their parents.

Recently, I heard a woman from my environment saying that no body trained the children for her. She owns them, took them for nine month therefore no one should ever disturb her. That she can do anything just for her children to pay her back. Hmmmm is training children like a business where you take not of the expenses and wait for the child when you are old he will start taking care of you. The fact that you as a parent have invested in a particular child that doesn't mean that same child is the one to take care of you at an old age. God may decide to bring someone that does have any affiliate with your family to bless you. I have seen several where some children that are established today coming down to take care of the aged. The woman kept persuading her children to send her money and buy things for her because she has suffered for them. Hmm for me that's not a correct mindset instead allow them to exercise some level of freedom or choice.

My parents never taught us how to be selfish and have regards for only them because they have birth to us. They were able to inculcate godly virtue so that we can add value to many others who aren't even connected to us by blood. My parents believe that every child that God brings your way to train or raise, is for a conventional impact. From the records, they were able to train more than fifty adopted children. Today it's most of the adopted children that takes care of them because of their age. I stay kilometers away from them similarly to my elder ones. My parents taught to regard with high esteem any parent we see outside because God might use other people to bless us not necessarily their biological children.

There is need to create a balance here. The motive behind children training shouldn't be because when I am old, they would take care of but I should be able to o make positive impact on any child I see. In mother's family, she's the only survivor and all her siblings' children rally around her as their mother. Infact one of them normally send upkeep money to my mother periodically and seeks her consent for any strong decisions to be taken. It's very good to take care of the aged because there is great blessings. My mother took care of her mother(my grandmother) till when she transited to glory at 95++ years old.

I am blessed with two wonderful beautiful kids. By God's grace I am training them as the Lord grants me grace with an open mind. If God decides to use them to bless back fine or another child elsewhere fine. The main thing is to keep doing good to everyone and let love lead the way.

Thanks for reading through.

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