This topic is timely and contains a lot that can encourage a man even as we continue to journey in the cause of our life endeavour. Life generally is not bed of roses because there are times of up and down. To everything on the surface of the earth is a time attached to it. When I stumbled at the theme for the week, I was excited because at least I should be able to relate or share my experiences with someone on the platform.

I can't doubt the fact that as our faces are different so also the uniqueness in our diverse need. Apparently Nigeria is in a different season where the citizens find it even difficult to survive because of the exuberant prices on goods and services which I attribute it to the challenge we have in our leadership structure. Permit me to clearly say that we are living in tough times presently in Nigeria and everyone must deliberately develop the adaptive feature to navigate through the tough situation.

Tough times can be seen as hurdles, moment of difficulties, a time where things seems not to move in a positive direction. It's a time where everything within and without looks like a total darkness. Tough time is a phase in one's life where one is left with the reality to confront a challenge which requires an inspired answer. Tough time is also called hard times. Tough time is a time one can easily be misunderstood because the experience seems to be far different from others hence one could be labelled with all assault. Tough time is a time where it seems no one is standing by you neither does anyone is ready to bear the burden with you. Tough times are seasons where one is in a dilemma of choices and decision making. One thing that stood out for me is the fact that tough does not last forever. It's transitory, it's like an intermediate level that prepares one for a higher commitment.

Tough time is part of the components of life. Anyone that has never experienced hmmm my counsel is that get ready because you need it in order to purify you for better task ahead. Many times people tend to disabuse tough time because it appears as if no one understands and as if they are the only one going through such challenge. I want to encourage someone out there that tough time is not and cannot be everlasting. Is just a process and its interim. Tough time prepares and produces tough people. Tough time builds one's capacity and capability to handle many other things. Tough times are gateway or pathway to more successful days.

I remembered during my undergraduate days, a time came where I faced drastically what was called tough time. food stuffs got finished obviously I was left with empty pots and plates. Infact the situation grew worse such that I managed to drink gari for days and water to sleep and attend lectures. It was like hell fire for me though I have never been there and I don't intend to be there. That experience exposed my body system to other health dangers such as ulcer, headache, body pain etc because no food no money. I was almost becoming an object of mockery because I couldn't afford anything. What a tough time. Should I just judge God as unfaithful? Should I insult God? Hmmm numerous of questions running down my mind. Hey at all, God remains faithful!!!


In the course of my discussion, I outlined some lessons that one could derived from tough situation.
I have learnt to see God as being aware of every situation. I have learnt to depend and trust God for everything. I have discovered that tough time is a trial to affirm my readiness for the next assignment. Wow TOUGH TIME IS NOT EVERLASTING!!!

Thanks for visiting and all comments appreciated.

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