My response to this beautiful theme for the second edition of this engagement is quite amazing. Immediately I saw No phone for me I was like could this be an exams? Is this a restricted arena? Is this a worship centre? In real life and considering the extent to which phone has invaded human endeavour, it would be difficult to stay without phone for quite a number of persons. In as much as that might be the conventional perception, I also believed that there are many out there too that stay away from their phones for a couple of days. Which ever the case might be it can be attributed to some factors.

things that would make me stay away from my phone.

I would like to response in the dimension of the kind of things that can make me stay away from my phone. Follow me closely as I highlight some of these factors.

  • The place of worship. This is one of the significant thing in my life that could easily make me stay number of times away from my phone. I believe a place of worship supposed to be a sacred place and consecrated in order to seek the face of God. It will be absurd to come to either mosque or church where an individual ought to pray and to seek God quietly with phones in silence or totally switched off than allowing it to ring to start distracting others.
    I discovered that whenever I put my phone on silence or dropped it at home I gain more attention to listen to everything that goes on at the worship centre. On the other hand I loose sometimes my peace when the distraction is more.

  • Another thing that can make me not to use my phone is during exams. I could remember vividly when I sat for my external exams then in school, In fact I couldn't come with my phone to the hall then because of the rules and regulations we received from the executive body that if anyone is caught with handset it shall be termed as exams malpractice. This could also lead to total excommunication from the entire exams process. Therefore I was very deliberate in carrying out the instructions.

  • Another factor that can restrained me from my phone is my kids. This might sound some how funny but to be sincere this is very important to me. My kids are very sharp such that you dare not attempt to keep phone within their reach hmmm this is no to phone for me oooo. There was this day I dropped my phone elsewhere to charge but these guys seems to notice every nook and crannies in the house which makes it difficult for me to just keep my phones. Therefore many times I preferred staying within them without my phone. If you allow them have access to the phone, they would do some engineering work on it and perhaps reset it to another version you never expected in your life.

  • The last thing that would make one stay a way from phone is death. When one dies, automatically you are off from the phone no matter how good the phone is. I was shocked recently when I said let me chat my late mentor perhaps I would get a response hmmm till now the WhatsApp chat hasn't showed any sign of received message. He's away from the phone hence the best thing is for the wife to remove the SIM card and throw it away so that she can use it for something else. Kash!!!


Coming to term with this reality is not just easy but it's expedient that I do it. It is good to stay off the phone once in a while. No matter the value I placed on phone, there are certain things that can make me stay away from it.

Thanks for reading through and your comments.

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