
Still in the spirit of the milestone recorded by this prestigious community. It's all about 100weeks of lots of achievements across so many facets. One of the communities I respect so much in hive blockchain is hive learners. I think from the name alone it depicts a transformational goal towards both humanity and the environment at large. What really fashioned my focus in hive is this particular community most especially the featured edition contests. Kindly follow me as I x-ray the impact or the lessons deduced since my adventure on this ecosystem and the huge success of 100weeks of constant prompts.

Within these periods of 100 weeks, I had a lot of experiences and lesson that affected my life positively. The first thing I would like to share is how to engage other authors. I never knew the relevance and rules of engagement on the hive blockchain not until I stumbled on this community. I have been taught and exposed to how I could also relate with other authors by reading and upvotes their post. When I finally decided to commit myself, it was not a smooth ride on me since I don't like writing as per science student. I must say that it was hive learners prompt that really spur me on the journey of becoming a successful content creator today. As I read and drop comments on other people's blog, the more I gained more confidence and the desire to write more. This continues for a couple of weeks thereafter it diffused into my spirit. At least for the past few weeks I have always tried to be amongst the first ten to drop a post for each edition. What a lesson and impact to my life. Before I could noticed the new bie initiative, my reputation has already passed beyond the requirements if not, I would have gone through such process as well. Today, I have learnt to comment and upvotes people's post.

Another lesson I got within these 100weeks is patience. There were times where I thought upvote is sure for every of my post but amazingly sometimes it takes a while before I receive the visitation of lazy-panda. Sometimes I would say in my heart ha....why is this lazy being lazy over my post??? Hahahah that really taught me a good lesson and a complete change in mindset. I have learnt to be patient and ensure that I am faithful in doing my own part of the task always. Now I can say patience is a virtue that helps me in discharging my responsibility as a leader. Wow kudos to this community for bringing out this quality attributes from my life.

I also learnt through the effort of the MODs. Many times they go through my post and drop good areas where I need to correct. Sometimes I won't receive any upvotes at the end but yet I endured it. I learnt to proofread my work and how to apply certain markdown to make work more beautiful and presentable.

My mistakes

There were times I could remember I made some blunder in my post. I couldn't insert the source of the image I used and I also forgot to comment and upvote other people's post. Ha... it was all dry on my blog. No much comments. I regretted doing such and never to repeat it again. I have been able to manage myself by saying to myself don't give up keep pushing. Inspite of the hurdles I never give up and I don't intend to give up till I attained my goal.

As I conclude, hive blockchain generally has become a doorway for me and has really helped to create a financial balance for my life. I have so many people that this platform has reshape and changed their lives completely. Thank God for hive blockchain always changing lives.

Thanks for reading and happy celebration to all of us.

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