Hi lovely family and it's a beautiful week again to bring forth my perception on the subject for this first edition. The week unveiled itself with a dimension of cold that I had to cover my legs writing this post. I was thinking what happened that Europe migrated to Nigeria this morning? Thank God we are alive and set for the business. Special thanks to all the community management crew. The subject is on the issue of adventure and before I proceed I would like to quickly define what adventure means to me.

Adventure simply means an exciting experience which could be like a trip, stroll etc that is unusual. Many times it refreshes and makes one relax after hectic activity. Adventure could be seen in two dimension.1 land inclined adventure which is characterized by all the activities done on the land space. It includes adventures like hiking, biking, climbing among many others. This type of adventure is the one that gladdens my heart and I will share the particular one I like so much. On the other hand, the second dimension of adventure is the air base or inclined. This involves any kind of activity done in the airspace such as gliding, parachuting etc but I don't really like them because I am not ready to take such risks yet.

The kind of adventure is I would like is camping. Since I was a little child, I like going out for retreats, outreaches and so on. I can't wait to go for my first camping for the year 2024 in February where youths in my church will be going to an accelerated village for an outreach. It promises to be a very good and indelible experience where different kinds of people across the state will come together to reach out to the communards in health, prayers, humanitarian services etc. I happened to be one of the planning committee member therefore this first edition prompt is timely for me.

There was a time we went for camping in one community that we had to cross through the river. I don't even know how to swim and don't like to see large body of water like that. Courage overwhelmed from no where and I was able to navigate and get myself there. The available tent and other kind of accomodations provided wasn't sufficient. My friend and I opted to sleep on the tree. It was almost a possible mission not until mosquitos started singing different kinds of songs in our ear without any delay dropped down to sought for an alternative. The available option was big sacks hmmm that was what I used for the entire days of the camp. It was horrible but fun as well because I have never dreamt of sleeping in a sack in my life.

I chose to write on camping because the community we are going is far different from the previous experiences I have accumulated over time. I hope to achieve lots of things such eating bush meat, going to the stream and stroll all round the neighbouring villages. Since this is winter season, I hope to take some snapshots with the communards and the friends that would be available.

Adventure has great significance to me which are 1. It will build my mind, 2. It's an opportunity to grow in al facets of life. 3 it's an opportunity to learn and also aroused my psychological mind to delve into new things.

Thanks so much reading my week 98 edition 1 entry and all comments appreciated.

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