This recipe makes my Sunday creative!!

Hey learners!!

Hope you are all busy to make your Sunday creative. Well, it's great that we are able to improve our skills even more because of Creative Sunday.
I didn't have much interest in cooking but now two people have helped me to improve my cooking, one is my mother who is not feeling well so I have to cook and the other is a hive learner due to which I am able to polish my cooking skills.

Today I made white meatballs. In my language it's also called white kofta krahi. I already had the beef meatballs frozen so I didn't have to make them fresh. But when I make this recipe again, I will definitely share it with you. By the way, now these meatballs are also available in packets in the market, which only need to be fried.

First I fried the meat ball on low heat.

We have to keep the flame low. Otherwise, due to high flame, the meat will be raw from inside and burnt from outside.


We will fry them and put them on the side.
After that, we will fry a medium sized onion, two or three green chillies, and some almonds or cashew nuts and add a half cup water to it. When a little water is absorbed, it will be blended and made into a paste.


After making the paste, take a pan, add butter and ginger garlic paste in it and fry it for a minute. Then add the blended mixture and half a pack of cream and a little curd to it and cook in low flame.

I had forgotten to take the pictures, when I added cream and curd on this stage.😥 But these two ingredients are very important.


When the paste becomes thick, add black pepper and salt to taste. Mix the spices well and add the meatballs inside.


After coming to this form we will cook for another minute and Tadaaa our recipe is ready.

Now it's time to serve. Eat this creamy recipe with bread or pratha.😋


All pictures are taken and editing by me

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