RE: The world we all want but can't have.

Thank you for sharing such a profound and thoughtful perspective. The dream of a peaceful, borderless world where everyone coexists harmoniously is indeed enticing.

Your concerns about the challenges and potential issues a borderless world might face are valid. Overpopulation, illegal activities, and the potential loss of cultural diversity are serious considerations.

However, the vision you paint of a world where people can freely explore, learn, and appreciate different cultures is truly inspiring. It serves as a reminder of the potential beauty and unity that our world could hold if we could find a way to overcome our challenges and differences.

Your post is a valuable contribution to this ongoing conversation about the state of our world and the possibilities for its future. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and dreams with us. They serve as a reminder of what we can aspire to achieve, even if these goals seem far from our current reality.

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