Beauty of Creativity: Macro Photography of Rose

Hello Community!

Hope you're all well and having a great time. By the Grace of God I'm also fine. Today I'm here with some photographs of Rose flower. I discovered this beautiful flower in a garden. I decided to capture some photographs of it as soon as i saw it. Photographing a flower is not a difficult task, But taking a good, eye-catching picture of a flower is hard work. I took pictures of ot from different angles and at macro levels. I tried my bes to capture its beauty well. I love to photograph rose flower. Its my favourite flower. Its the most popular flower in the world. Rose exists in many colours. Red, pink, white and yellow colour. Its used in different occasions to express our feelings. In our country people love keep them in there houses for beauty and fragrance. The texture and colour of rose is beautiful and it has stunning fragrance. Rose perfume is also used for various purposes.
Now I'm going to share its pictures with you guys. Hope you like it.






CameraPoco F3
LensMacro lens
Editing SoftwareLightroom

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