The family is the basic unit of the society and the nation at large. Hence, no family, no nation. However, the greatest failure of a government is not putting in place proper mechanisms to cater for the nurturing of the young ones who are the leaders of tomorrow especially the developing countries. In most developed countries, there are plans on ground right from conception to maturity because of value placed on young ones.

The decision of numbers of children to bear should be exclusive to each parents who are directly responsible for those children. I believe parents should be responsible enough to do this and make proper plans for their wards and not the government to decide this. I believe that the decadence in our world today as regarding value for marriage, rape, unwanted pregnancies, failed parenting all contributes to population growth without adequate preparation.


In addition, underage marriages, religious biases, insufficient public enlightenment and so on contributes to this population surge. For example, in Nigeria my own country, it's not under government jurisdiction to regulate number of children a family can have, however, birth control is encouraged. For most developing countries, the problem arises from failed and non-visionary leadership because there is no vision for growth and development at sight. Rather, it is plagued with corruption, selfishness, rigging and so on.

From history, it is true that some countries in Europe regulates the number of children a family can have based on the prevailing circumstances then like famine, drought and scarce resources, but also, some countries in Asia continent leveraged on this and have their countries advancing because these young ones are the backbone or potential working population tomorrow. For us in Africa and other developing world, religious biases which is not sanitised with right understanding is affecting us. High poverty level as a result of failed economy with failed marriage institution contributes to this.


I believe government shouldn't regulate the number of children a family can have, but government should advocate and make public enlightenment on birth control more pronounced. Also, our leaders needs to be visionary, selfless and greatly improve our economy so that more young population are engaged in productive activities rather than the social vices on ground at the moment.

I believe that we need a reorientation about what true civilization is because many wrong ideas of civilization is breeding irresponsible, uncultured parents nowadays resulting to giving birth without adequate preparations. Most importantly, religious and ethnicity biases or excesses has caused alot of harm than good. Our religious/ethnic leaders should be balanced and encourage such balance as regards marriage, family and child bearing because a wrong doctrine eats deeply like a cankerworm.

Regulating the number of children in a family without addressing the real cause of population surge as enumerated above is just a sheer waste of time and denying people their legitimate rights. We need to go back to our values, morals and enlightenment which encourages family/social responsibility, inclusive/visionary leadership and being a responsible citizen. Thank you for reading as comments and contributions are welcomed.

This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 115 Edition 01 on "HOW MANY KIDS" Thumbnail designed using Canva.

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