I'm a lover of K-drama, Korean series are my favorite when it comes to movies, I am a busy person so I do not dedicate all my time to movies unlike one of my Friends who can watch movies from morning till night, she a movie lover call it anything.

One of the movies I watched this year and was moved by is "THE ESCAPE OF THE SEVEN" If you are a lover of K-drama and you have not seen this movie please try and do, I recommend this movie with my full chest.

I was really intrigued by the concept of the series, the first three episodes will leave you with no choice but to finish all at once, the movie is full of suspects from the beginning and will anticipate for the next episode, there is no dulling moment at all unlike other movie that you will leave and continue the next day, you will be willing to know the next action what is going to happen and so on.


This is a movie that teaches not to trust friends with your heart, it is a movie that will make you understand the logic and theory of life, and it a movie that teaches that anyone can betray you even the mother who gave birth to you can be the source of your downfall.

This movie is a story of a girl who died at the hands of people who surrounded her, her best friend was the first person to destroy her through jealousy and a demonic intention to move her career forward.


This girl was surrounded by enemies starting from her mother, to her best friend in school, her classroom teacher also her grand stepmother, this girl experienced hatred from her mother starting from when she was born and till she was grown, she was abandoned by her mother and she got a foster parent through the process, she was taken care of and she was loved by her foster parent not until when the mother showed up and decided to take the lady along with her because she promised her a better life not knowing that she planned to use the lady to extort money from her grandfather.


The storyline is full of hatred, bitterness, jealousy, betrayal, covetousness, and revenge, at first I thought the lady was alive because all those who had hand in her death had terrible and worst nightmares of their lives, I thought she was the one punishing them not knowing that another person in disguise is revenging for her death.


This movie is full of lessons, when dealing with people do not invest much trust in them until you observe them thoroughly, trust comes naturally all you have to do is to be extremely careful if the friend just happens overnight, this lady trusted her friend so much and always danced to her tune not knowing she has an ulterior motive for being friend with her.


Can a mother be an obstruction to her own child? Well, this movie says it all, a mother should be a shadow that will always lead their children, a mother should be a shoulder to rely on, and a mother should be a backbone, not a backlash, this movie shows how a mother betrayed the trust her child has for her because of money.

I recommend this movie called "The Escape of the Seven, it is lovely and educative, like I said earlier it is never overrated and one of the best K-dramas I can vouch for, there are enough lessons from this movie.


There is no how you will see this movie and not feel pity for the lady unless you are not a lover of movies or you have a stone heart.


This is my entry for this week's episode of hivelearners community prompt of #hl-w114e3 which the topic is FROM SCREEN TO LIFE


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