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Rejected but never give up.

Happy day to you all, welcome to my blog and it's another newbie initiative of the hive Learners community with an interesting topic about how we have been rejected in life and what was the outcome of it. I am really glad to share my experience and keep reading….



Rejection is a phase of life we all have to go through because it is at the point of rejection some of us came to realize ourselves, we tend to understand better that we are can actually survive without a particular person or thing, it at this point we discovered the hidden potentials in us and unleash it.

Sometimes we just need this experience to realize that in life people change and things change also it now in our place to do the right things during the point of rejection. If you listen to some of the great successful people in life were once in their lives rejected and it was in that period they started writing books, writing music, some started their invention journey etc.

Let me share my personal experience.
Back then I when I started college I had a male friend who was my tutor, we normally have class after school hours, weekend, we was so good in physics and chemistry so i was so dependent on him because he was always there to guide me through and during this time I have never tried to study new things on my own whenever the equation is hard I will run to him without even trying because he was always there.

During the period close to exams we decided to be having night classes in school, I have arranged all the necessary things we needed for the class I went to school that night to read expecting him to come, I called his line but it was off and throughout the night he didn't show up, for days it was like that and confronted him to ask why but he said he was busy. I later discovered he created a reading group with some friends behind me and didn't want me to join 😭😭😭 hmmm I felt bad and rejected.

I made A decision to start reading on my own, I started to download videos on some topics I knew I was not good at. I went back to revise the old things he had been teaching me and lucky for me most of the old things we did in the beginning of the semester were what came out. I learn a lesson to always try out something for myself and not to be depending on someone that much.

Lesson learnt in my rejection season.