Some rejections are blessing in disguise


Rejection has always been a painful process and there is no person in this world who can say that rejection does not hurt him. No matter how strong a person becomes, but for some time he feels the pain of rejection, then gradually he takes courage and moves forward in his life. Rejection can be of any kind but in any case it is a painful process. Rejection hurts a lot especially in relationships, business and studies because we have invested a lot of effort in all of them and when we don't get the reward then we get very depressed and some People can't bear and decided to end their lives.

I think rejection is very important in life. Without them one cannot learn anything in life. Whatever it is, we must learn something in life. It is a lesson of patience and courage and then when we get the reward, we never remember that rejection.

I have faced many rejections in my life but the most painful was when I applied for admission in a very good university after clearing my 12th. I will not spoil the reputation of this university by mentioning its name here, but at that time the campus of this university was opened for the first time in my city. My admission was quite late due to some reasons due to which I could not get admission there. My 12th marks were very good but I was very disappointed because of not getting admission. Some of my family members got admission there, which caused me to face a lot of bitterness and I went into a lot of depression.

Well I even thought of wasting my year and reapplying to the same University the next year because the degree was worth so much, but then my parents convinced me and I went somewhere else and got admitted where I'm studying even now.

At that time, because my heart was very broken, I did not like to study anything at all. I took a lot of leave in the beginning because of which once they even gave me a warning from the university but then one day I sat down and thought that my life would be over because if the purpose of living is over, nothing remains.

From that day I accepted this university wholeheartedly and made friends there and got adjusted there within a short period of time. After about two years, it was revealed that fake degrees were being given to students who were not considered valid. At that time there was a commotion in the whole city. The students protested a lot but to no avail and their two years of studies were wasted. (I'm talking about that university where I wanted to study before)

Students again took admission in new universities and completed their studies. That day I came to believe in God's plan that sometimes the things we wish for are not good for us. From that day on, whenever I faced rejection, I persevered thinking that my God must have better plan for me. In this way, that rejection was the best rejection of my life. Since then, my belief in myself and in my God became stronger.

So this was my experience with rejection. It was infect blessings in disguise for me :)
Thank you for reading my post.

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