The phase of life determines the responsibility of a parent & a child.

Parenthood is a phase of life that is extremely demanding, parents being responsible for catering for their children's needs have to go extra miles to ensure there children are well fed. The capabilities of parents differs from each other which means while some might find it easy to provide for the needs of their children, others might have to suffer a lot in order to provide something sustainable for their children to survive. The struggles most parents had to go through to ensure the basic needs of their children is provided for is unimaginable.

There is no specific manual that entails step by step process of being a parent, No book can fully capture what parenthood fully entails because the experience differs for different individuals. My dad deals with construction site since he is into estate management and he also supplies building materials, the first time I followed my dad to work that was when I realised the need for every child to appreciate whatever their parents gives to them no matter how little it might be. As a child I was aware of the fact that making money was not easy but never knew what parents went through to put food on the table.

As a building contractor, my dad was assisting one of his client to build a flat around ebute, ikorodu. It was during my holiday period and my mom was not around. Instead of leaving me at home with my mom apprentice, for some reasons best known to him he decides to take me along. The truth is I have always wanted to go out with my dad more often but on this specific day I didn't ask but my request was granted. Since my dad is in charge of the building it means he has to employ labourers that will assist in carrying out different kind of task to ensure the building is successfully built. I was not allowed into the construction site to ensure that I don't become a victim of construction site accidents. I stood across the street while I watch every activity unfold.

I witnessed a lot of events but I will only pin points few that relates with the topic of discussion. While standing across the street I watched how grown up men and women carry bags of cements, water, sand and other materials into the building. Some of these men and women are older than my dad based on their appearances. Seeing how they were dressed and the manner at which they were working I felt so much pity for them because why would people be subjected to this kind of hard labour. Is it that they don't have anything else to do? Nothing about what I witnessed was enjoyable.

After the day job was done, they were paid and we left the site. On our way home I remember how I kept bugging my dad about the fact that such labour is meant for Young people not those old men and women. I remember my dad saying, "That is the only way they know how to make a living". Meaning they have been doing such job for a long period of time to provide food and shelter for their family. For a parent who is subjected to that kind of labour it means it will get to a time when he or she will no longer have the capabilities to do it anymore, You might wonder what happens next?

I'm not trying to be religious or anything but the truth is, for every child that has come of age, it is our primary responsibility to take care of our parents the same way they took care of us. Our parents can't remain the way they were forever at some point they will become weaker as they grow older. One of the disadvantages of being old is that it limit your ability to perform the tasks you could do while you were still young. It is a sad reality that will befall every human, with this new found reality parents will need to rely on their children for survival.

It is just inappropriate for a child to believe the affairs of their parents is none of their business knowing fully well that they spent their youthful days making sure you were catered for. This has nothing to do with entitlement mentality, I consider it to be giving back what you have been given. What else could you possibly expect from a parent who can't possibly walk on their own. My people would say a child that abandoned his/her parents at a time of need will surely face the same fate. Though most parents of this present age have found a way to invest in businesses that will cater for their needs when they get old without having to depend on their children for survival but that doesn't mean they won't still need their children to get somethings done for them.

My preparation for my old age.

It is nothing spectacular, I consider it to be a gradual process of planning and executing. By now most of you are already aware of my love for animal husbandry and farming though I'm quite aware of the fact that it will become more difficult to engage in farming activities during old age. Which is why I have planned to structure my businesses in a way that will provide for my needs even when I'm not physically available. I have a lot of plans in mind right now which I'm yet to execute but I believe with time I will be able to achieve my goals and ensure I have sustainable means of surviving that will provide for my needs during my old age.

This write-up was inspired by weekly featured content titled "A child's responsibility" in hive learners community.

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