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ᴅᴏᴇs ᴀᴄᴛ ᴏғ ᴋɪɴᴅɴᴇss sᴜᴘᴇʀᴄᴇᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ?

Humans are complex beings, our actions are guided by intentions. It is always a game of what we want and desire over everything else. The complexity of a human mind makes it difficult to truly identify the reasons why we perform some specific actions. Amidst all kind of actions performed by humans either for personal gain or public benefit or both, we have the act of kindness. An act that can come in all sort of ways either monetary or not, to an extent it is considered an expression of the true essence of we humans. I mean what is point of being human without the ability to show kindness to others.

As honourable as the act of kindness is most times it is defined by how genuine the intention of the host is. We find ourselves in an era where every action performed by a human is directed towards a particular purpose, either politically driven or for the sake popularity. A man could save a child from getting run over by a truck, only to start taking multiple pictures in different venues with the child. It makes you wonder the reason why he saved the child.

Truthfully the reason might matter but does it change the fact that the child was saved? What if it is the media that puts the man in a situation where it looks like he did it for fame? What if the man choose not to save the child? definitely no hero would emerge but that also means we would probably have a dead child case in our hands, what would people say then? Who would be at fault, the man that refused to save the child or the truck driver that killed the child or probably you and I who would jump at any chance to criticize the man's intention?

Analysing the intention or reasons behind an act of kindness to me is just like a misguided focus. I mean I'm quite aware of how funny humans can be sometimes, we are filled with all sort of ways to manipulate situation to our advantage by hiding under the pretense of kindness to win favours. I mean why would a politician choose to buy another political tycoon an expensive car despite knowing the recipient owns hundreds of it? or why would someone who is currently being prosecuted in the court choose to send monetary gifts to the judges? regardless of whatever intentions he must have the gifts is already a gesture that describes the sender's intention behind the gift. Spelling all this out means I'm aware of the dubious nature of humans.

But then, what about scenarios of righteous deeds? we have also seen cases when some people decides to fund orphanage homes as a show of goodwill, I'm talking of non-governmental organisations and individuals. We see them on the news as they dramatise the presentation of the gifts to the orphans. There is nothing wrong with that, it is probably the media just making the whole presentation news worthy or not. In this case, everyone will probably see it as a show of goodwill since they are not politically involved as far as the members of the public is concerned. We all applaud their goods deeds for those in need.

The narrative changes when someone who is politically involved does the same thing, probably donate a large amount of money to orphanage homes or tools to empower the youths. Some people will definitely applaud the person's good deeds but there will always be others who would try as much as possible to change the narrative by adding the fact that the righteous deed was done to foster the host political career. The funny aspect of this is that, those criticizing the political figure might even have what it takes for donation but they chose criticism over righteous deeds.

I'm not saying the person might not have another agenda behind his donation but let's pause for a sec and think about the good things the donation will do to the lives of the recipient. The orphanage for instance, Do you think those children would really care about the intention behind the donation? You might say that the political figure has taken advantage of their innocence. you might be right but you have forgotten that those children might have been suffering and that donation might be the only thing that ensures their survival. That donation you criticize the intention behind it might be the only solution that would make sure those children don't have go to bed hungry.

As long as the act of kindness is not offered in an ill mannered way or depicts a dubious intention, as long as it remains with in what is lawful, moral and of ethical conduct there is no reason why the intention should have more importance than the act of kindness. Regardless of the host reputation or intentions as long as it doesn't go against the boundaries of what is stated above, I believe we humans should place more importance on the lives that will be impacted a d transformed by the act of kindness instead of always trying to find ways to criticize the intention.

So, Does act of kindness supercede the intention? Doesn't it? It is left for you to decide.

This write-up was inspired by weekly featured content titled "From the heart" in hive learners community.

Cover image - 𝖣𝖾𝗌𝗂𝗀𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗏𝖺
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