My indecisiveness in political participation as a result of political apathy

Based individualistic perspectives, we all have different opinion about the concept and conduct of politics. As an individual, I have always been led by curiosity about how somethings get to be which was the basis behind my acquisition of knowledge and research endeavours. Throughout my days in school we were thought all kind of things about government and governmental affairs. The concept of politics was spelt out very simple which primarily involves political diplomatic relations and dialogue between people or a group of people which facilitates development in the aspect of governing and foster positive change in the society as a result of sustainable governance.

It sounds quite intriguing for any student who is interested in building a political career but if there is something I have come to understand about how things are done in reality. textbook definitions of how things should be are always different from how things such as politics are practiced. Based on different experience I have had concerning politics, it has made me detest the practice more and to the extent I have developed some sort of political apathy.

Political apathy simply means lack of interest in political affairs or act of governing. Apart from the political struggle I'm exposed to in the real world, there was one in particular I had interest in at some point. For everyone who attended higher institution in Nigeria would be familiar with the concept of school politics. Which involves selection of student representative through a democratic process which involves voting. It might be a little different from the politics in the federal level but the structure is the same.

In my school, everyone is made to believe that every student is eligible to campaign for any student representative positions of their choice as long as they meet up with the criterias. In polytechnics our requirements for bring eligible to campaign for a student representative office is different from the way it is done in the universities and the reason is that in polytechnics we have a different academic structure which allows us to have two final year stages in the same course or department.

For instance, there is National diploma 2 {ND2} and higher national diploma 2 {HND2}, both are considered to be final year Level. though it is known that HND student are senior to ND student since we have already acquired our national diploma certificate. As a result of this both ND2 and HND 2 are allowed to campaign for office. the only difference is that National diploma student are not allowed to campaign for lead roles, they can only occupy vice or assistant offices e.g vice president, assistant librarian e.t.c on both departmental level and student union level.

Based on my personal endeavours to curb the rate of atrocities committed by lecturers, I had it in mind that I was going to campaign for the office of student representative Council chairman when I get to HND 2, this post is at the Sug level. It was not going to be easy because it requires a lot but I was quite popular in my department. I was still in HND 1 when i started manifesting this aspiration for a student representative office, which means I still have to witness the HND 2 students administration. After witnessing how it was done by the HND 2 student I had no choice but to relinquish my aspiration if I really valued my life.

What happened was that, we had two guys running for the office of SUG but at the long run we did not see the other guy anymore or heard anything about him, it was as if he just vanished. from what I witnessed, it was as if people were too terrified to even make enquiries about him. That was how the remaining guy won the election "unopposed" I was stunned because I realised that if this could happen so easily at the student level what do you think those at the federal level would be capable of. This means politics is no longer a game of diplomacy but a bloody battle and I want no part of such thing regardless of the position I'm offered.

If I had the opportunity to pursue a career in politics, would I? and what will be my aim.

Sincerely speaking I might if only the condition is different, it has to be in an environment where human lives matters and diplomacy is valued above anything else. Despite the way politics is practiced in my country there are some atrocities and ill activities I would love to eradicate if I find myself in pursuit of a political career. These are:

  • 1) Lack of accountability: The rate at which this so called politicians commit atrocities and go unpunished really ridicules the value of our constitution. What is the point of saying no one is above the law whereas this individuals go in and out of court rooms with no convictions, does it not make our laws look pitiful. I guess I dream of a nation where everyone is held accountable for their actions, equality before the law regardless of political status.

  • 2) Greed and excessive accumulation of wealth: One of the causes of corruption in my country is greed, men and women striving so hard to embezzle funds set aside by the nation for the wellbeing and welfare of its citizens. it is crazy how this so called politicians treat national treasures and state funds as their personal property. the net-worth of some politicians is enough to wipe out national debts. I believe this should be put in check since politicians now see politics as a means to embezzle national funds.

  • 3) Obsession for power and domination: In my country we operate multiparty system in line with the provisions of Nigeria constitution but in reality it seems there is only two party system. As result of this, politicians now find it easy to jump ship from one party to another whenever they feel like the party doesn't support their political endeavours. Now it feels like we vote the same individuals from different parties. When more than 60% of members of National assembly which consist of house of representatives and senates are loyal to just one party, what hope does our democratic practice have?

  • 4) Inability to properly execute promises and office duties: It is quite absurd the rate at which the politicians running for offices announces their political manifestos but after getting to office they forget all about it, as if that is not bad enough, the outlined duties meant to be carried out by this so called politicians are totally neglected.

  • 5) ineligible candidacy and improper orientation: Some parties are aware of the incompetency of their party members but yet still allow them to run for office. a lot of candidate have made mockery of executive offices which as resulted to mockery of the state in international politics. There is this weird orientation most politicians have, they think so little of Nigeria justice system because if not, a politician would not pull out a gun and point it at people during rally.

  • 6) unlawful tactics and strategies in campaign/voting exercise: Rules and regulations about the conduct of elections and campaign are all stated in the electoral act but most politicians feign ignorance to these electoral policies. The electoral act clearly stated that no one is allowed to use defamatory statement against another party or candidate during campaigns, secondly it stated no campaign should occur at voting units during voting exercise and thirdly it stated that the ballot paper should be placed in the ballot box immediately after usage but in our previous election our former president openly displayed his ballot paper for everyone to see after usage to show the party and candidate he voted for which is considered a form of campaign during voting exercise.

I believe if I'm able to eradicate this atrocities committed by most politicians in the name of politics I might consider going into politics because it will change the structure and manner in which politics is practiced in my country and in so doing it will reduce the rate of political apathy.

This write-up was inspired by weekly featured content titled "politics for all" in hive learners community.

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