Application of wisdom in solving & preventing life related issues.

The journey of life is full of crisis and uncertainties, In the mist of our chaotic existence we grow gradually and eventually become wary. One thing about life is, you can never run out of challenges and I don't mean this in a negative way it just what it is. As we grow while navigating our ways through the hurdles of life we become more aware of our existence. Finding our purpose seems like one of the only ways to attribute a meaning to life which is quite funny because we spend a life time chasing our purpose, this makes you wonder what life is all about.

There are thousands of books out there written by scholars who believed to have figured out what life is all about but the truth is it all comes down to which path an individual wishes to follow. We were not born with some sort of manual which would have made life a lot easier, I mean our roles and path in life will already be stated in it but in the absence of that we are left with our ability to decide what is right and best for us. Which can be tricky sometimes because life is not black and white, there is always something in between. Which means that occasionally we might have to compromise our rules and values even if it goes against what we believe in.

I wouldn't claim to know all about life because I'm still trying to figure it out. Despite the uncertainties of life I believe there are ways to minimise the issues life brings our way which is application of common knowledge. I believe these few life hacks might come in handy for the coming generation.

  • ACTION BEGETS CONSEQUENCES: All my life I believe in one single principle which is called actions and consequences. There is no action a human will take either good or bad that would not warrant a consequence which might also be negative or positive. One of the reasons why I have been able to escape being a victim of a lot of scam endeavours is because while most people are busy analysing how profitable and beneficial the business or investment will be which will influence their decisions greatly and affect their overall conclusion. For me, I focus more on the risk aspect of it because nothing comes without a risk, if it sounds too good to be true it is definitely not true. Which is why I don't get trapped in Ponzi schemes that offers high returns.

  • TRUST THE PROCESS: In recent times, there is this crazy drive for wealth. Everyone willing to do whatever is necessary to get the best of things regardless of the cost. it makes you wonder what the whole fuzz is all about. why are people chasing wealth that is beyond their reach. the truth is they no longer believe in the process, they just want to wake up someday with every riches at their feet without breaking a sweat. they forget one vital principle of life, by following the process there are some knowledge you acquire along the line which will assist you in knowing what it takes to be wealthy and what to use it for.

  • BE MINDFUL OF TIME: A man once said that the greatest mistake we humans make most times is that we forget we are expiring. As honourable as it is to patiently follow the process never confuse wasting of time for patience. learn to make haste while the sun shines, do what is necessary at appropriate time because at the long run, the faster you are in achieving your dreams the more time you have to enjoy it with your friends and families.

  • MAKE PEACE WITH FAILURES: Sometimes I wonder, as there ever been a man or woman who has never failed before. if there is not then it proves failure is part of life. As humans progress in life we are bound to fail in our attempts a few times before getting things right which might have a negative effects on our moral and prevent us from moving forward but that should not be the case, failure is attributed to those who stop trying not those who failed while trying. Don't you waste time on self pity it can consume you, shake it off and keep moving no matter how much it hurts because at the end the results is what differentiates those that failed from those that succeeded.

  • KNOW WHEN TO STOP It is weird right, I just told you to keep trying but the truth is not everything in life is going to work out no matter how much we try because it is not just meant to be. instead of wasting all your resources trying to get it right, relax for a bit and try another approach. never be scared of trying out something new. you might wonder how will I know when it is time to stop? the truth is when you dig deep within yourself you would know.

Remember life has principles but the fact that it works for everyone doesn't mean it will be the same for you. find what works for you, figure out your own rhythm, follow your instinct and make the best out of it.

This write-up was inspired by weekly featured content titled "To the coming generation" in hive learners community.

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