Stress Is Part Of Life

Stress Is Part Of Life

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Since man was created to work, we can say that getting stressed is something inevitable. I sometimes feel it is part of life because no one just sits and gets things done without doing something and if we have to do something, definitely we will get wearied.

In recent times there are two things that gets me stressed, the first one is work both online and the physical one. Waking up early to go to school everyday can be so burdensome. At the school one spends teaching, sometimes one spend hours standing and talking like a machine. When you are done for the day you feel like you carried the entire earth on your back. The stress is just too much, sometimes even when you're home, the time you need to get some rest might be used to mark assignments or tests.

Many days when I wake up, I feel like I should just forward some hours out of the day and have time for myself to sleep and have fun. Well! wishes are not horses, One just have to zero their mind and keep running the race because when you stop working, money stops flowing. Though, our healths deteriorate but what can we do? For now we keep holding on pending when things gets better.

For my work online, most times I have to give my eyes no sleep, so that I can be able to get my articles written. Sometimes, you enjoy writting as the ideas just keeps flowing but other times, it feels like hell. It's fun though, but I can't conceal the fact that it's also stressful. There are weekends I spent indoor, just writing so that I can cope for the week, when I come out it. My head aches, my eyes itch and my back aches as well. All of us can relate to this I believe.

The second thing that gets me stressed this days apart from my work is farm. You don't know how I am eagerly praying for raining season to pass. I spend most of my weekends and free days helping my parents in the farm, if you don't assist them, you know them with their problems. So inorder to avoid unnecessary talks, I have to go. Moreover what's more blessed than a thank you from your parents?

All my life, I don't know if I have ever did farm work like this year, gosh! It's just too much. Well I thank God we are almost done with the difficult part. Last week we were busy weeding all through though we ain't done but I have finish my part, I can't kill myself.

How I Manage The Stress

One of the best ways for me handling stress is just accepting it as part of the journey of life. No matter how hard one tries, one will still get stressed. So I just take it whenever it comes and push through till it goes.

Another thing I do is plan my activities. I do everything I am to do when it is supposed to be done because I don't know know what might come up later. It's better I do them at the right time and Incase I don't have anything else then I can rest with the little time left.

I don't also take free times for granted, whenever I have a little space to rest, I ensure I keep all things away and give myself some rest. For my teaching job, I can't just decide to take a break but for the online, if I discover that my body needs rest, I shut down everything and rest. A local saying says, body no be fire wood (The body is not a piece of wood). Our bodies are not dead they are living, we ought to treat them with outmost care. Recently am thinking of quiting the teaching and look for another job that is less stressful if not, I don't know if I can cope anymore.

Will I Be Able To Get Ride Of The Cause?

The answer is yes but I won't because it's where I eat from, taking it away will even cause me more harm than the stress itself. So I will rather keep working and having the money coming forth along side the stress than just get rid of the jobsand be broke.

Stress is part of life, the earlier we embrace it, the better for us all. I know there are stress that are bad for the health. Well you know yourself too well, you know what you can take, go for it, don't forget that even the most easiest work on earth is stressful but don't kill yourself

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