Paying The Price For Peace

Paying The Price For Peace

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I went to the farm with my grandfather a few weeks ago and I was privileged to meet with some of my cousins from the village and we began to interact about life.

I was so touched when one of them told me that in some homes, people only make soup with leaves (edible ones) and consume it without swallow or rice. The rate at which hunger is dealing with them is too severe.

All over the world today a lot is happening, people are suffering from different things, diseases, hunger, poverty, crimes, and more.

Life has never been better, it's as if the more we make an effort for things to get better, the worse they become. Look how our young people are carried away into all manners of evil deeds in the name of trying to earn a living.

Check our governments, corruption has eaten deep into the system, everyone who gets an opportunity to get a reasonable position tries to get a fortune before he leaves so that he or she won't go back to poverty and they are willing to do anything for that.

It's easy to judge a person doing what is not right, but sometimes, if you put yourself in their shoes, you might understand better. Not everyone is strong, not everyone has the ability to endure. Though I am not encouraging people to be relaxed or practice evil.

Whenever I go out there and I see people struggling and giving up in life, kids having no one to sponsor them in school, some even going from house to house to beg for food in order to survive. I get pierced to my bones.

With the above in mind, if I am told that all these misfortune would be taken away from mankind and the only price is my life, I won't hesitate to give it provided it will really solve the problem.

For how long are we going to be in this situation? Imagine how our kids are going to live in this wicked world if things like this continue. Teenagers nowadays are carried away with get rich quick or die trying.

A boy of 16 years wants to hold the latest iPhone, own a car and if possible a house and is ready to go to any length to get it even if it means doing a money ritual. I am not saying it's bad for a young person to want to make it early in life, but it shouldn't be a do-or-die affair, life is a process, and as long as you are following the right track, you will surely arrive at the right destination. So why the rush?

It's not as if I don't love my life, I really do. But I am not pleased with the things happening in our world today, so, if it's within my power to eradicate them, I don't mind what it takes even if it's going to be my life, I will lay it down. Let life be better again.

Just imagine how beautiful it would be if the wars going on in some parts of the world stopped and those countries united again, imagine how happy people would be if poverty, hunger, wickedness, and all forms of evil no longer existed. Life would be so perfect. I think if one man's death would solve the problem, then it's worth it.

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