Parenting To Be Parented, A Wrong Mindset 

Parenting To Be Parented, A Wrong Mindset

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It is commonly said, "Children are gifts from the creator." When they are groomed well, they become a blessing and when they are not, they become the opposite.

Every parent has reasons for giving birth and raising their children a certain way. To some, it's with the hope that one day the children will be there to support them when their (parents) strengths are gone, to others it is so that they can have who will replace them when they are no more, and many other reasons.

Children are just like seeds planted in a garden, if you nurture them well, there is no way that you won't benefit from the fruit they will yield. There's a popular saying "Where you work, is where you will eat," which also applies to raising children.

I am not yet a father but I know little of what my parents went through to raise me and my siblings. Raising children is not an easy task at all but the good part of it is, after all the labor someday, the children may end up becoming something great and when they do, I don't think they will ever forget the hands that fed them.

As to the question concerning parents making it a law for their children to look after them when they are old regardless of the child's financial capabilities, I think it's not right.

No parents should make it a law for their child/children to compulsorily look after them when they are old. It's for the good of both the parent and the child because both of them would be affected negatively if things don't turn out as expected. The child would feel pressured and the parent would feel cheated.

I believe that no responsible child will even neglect his parents no matter his financial status but making it a responsibility for the child simply because you trained him or her is wrong.

Even in the farm, it's not all plants that yield, even those that yield, it's in levels. As a parent you have your own life to live and your children also have theirs to live. You have your problems as parents, the children also have theirs.

Expecting the child to carry his problems and yours along is murder, you will frustrate the life of the child. This is why I hate it when I hear parents say, "This child is my investment." What do you mean? So what happens if he or she doesn't bring returns in the end?

If you are training your child, do it out of love and with the mindset of making life better for him to cope with and not for a selfish interest.

I have seen parents who pressure their children to support them to the extent of making them engage in evil acts to achieve their desires. Some children who couldn't bear the pressure became depressed.

As parents, you have your life and I believe you have lived it, let your children enjoy theirs too, and don't be a burden to them. Some of them have families, and they have their bills to settle too, expecting them to solve your problem without minding what's in their pockets will make the load too heavy for them, and trust me, it could break them down.

The truth is every child has that desire to support their parents. You don't necessarily need to bother the child, when he or she is established they will surely help you without you asking or pressuring them.

I know some children won't help no matter how wealthy they are, and for such keep praying for them and let them be, God will make a way for you as the parents, trust me, you won't starve.

This is part of the reason why I advise parents to always get something to do or invest in something that will keep bringing money to them after they are retired, this will help them not to be dependent on their children.

So much dependence on children can make a child lose focus and not plan his or her life when they should.

Ideally, even if it's an outsider who does good for you, you ought to be good in return. Talk more of parents, they deserve to be looked after by us when we are established, anyone who neglects his or her parents when he has what it takes to help them is wicked.

Even if you don't have much, from the little you have, you ought to support your parents. The only concern I have is parents should not put hope in that direction, it's what results in them pressuring their children subsequently. Allow your children to settle first and I am sure, the help you want will come seamlessly.

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