Not The Usual Visitation

Not The Usual Visitation

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Having good health is an asset, you don't know how others are struggling to survive. Each time I see people in pains in the hospital It draws my attention to watch my life and be thankful to God for health. It aslo reminds me that the health I have is also wealth, someone out there is looking for it with gold and with silver yet it's no where to be found . If you are healthy, you are rich indeed.

The hospital is one of the places I am most scared of visiting. I bless God for keeping me, my family and friends in good health. I can't recall the last time I visited the hospital to see someone sick. God has been so faithful.

The last time I visited the hospital was early this year, but it was not to see a sick person and it was not for myself to be admitted, it was something different altogether this time around. Oh! I know each time you hear the word hospital the first thing that comes to your mind is that someone is sick or it's about child delivery right? Heheh, we are in this together.

But has it ever crossed your mind that it's not just the sick that are in the hospital? If that is the case then it means that there are other things that can bring a person there and not necessarily about visiting the sick.

Then what was my visit for, was it for evangelism? Well not really. LoL. I have this friend I met in college some years back, after we graduated she further her studies and she shifted from the education line into the medical.

She applied pharmacy and God was faithful she got admission and after then, we never saw each other again though we do communicate on phone but it was from time to time. Some time this year around April, I was on Facebook and I got a message from her, asking if I was in town. I was so surprised because it has been a while we communicated. I told her I have been around so she asked if we could see and I consented.

She said I should come and meet her the following day at general hospital, guess the first question i asked her.. who's sick, hope all is well? She said all is well, shes doing her Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) There and she's concluding everything that very day.

Early the following day I went there, and gave her a call. Initially I wanted to just stay at the gate see her and then leave but she insisted I come inside, I had no option so I entered. Everywhere was looking strange lol. I was just praying to finish what brought me and leave.

But my friend is a very crazy person, she took me round the hospital, though we didn't enter where people were admitted, (the wards) but we got into a hall and i saw many people waiting and I dont know what for but they don't look alright. I feel pity for them honestly.

From there we went to see the cashier and I was surprised to see a long time friend there issuing receipts and collecting money from people who came to register. She didn't even notice I was there until I called her name. After we exchanged pleasantries I told them I was leaving because I have slot to do at home. From there the lady that invited me walked me out and I left.

That was the very first time I visited a hospital and enjoyed my stay else all the previous times it was either someone was sick or for child delivery.

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