No Challenge, No Progress 

No Challenge, No Lessons

Photo by RDNE Stock project

Although challenges and obstacles of life seem destructive from a distance, they also have transformative powers. Many of us are who we are today because of one thing or another that compelled us to move out of our comfort zones.

Challenges are what bring out the best version of us. A metal would remain a useless resource under cool conditions but when it is exposed to intense heat, it can be forged into different useful shapes.

In as much as challenges make us miserable, without them we may never realize certain things in life. A student might not know the relevance of hard work until he or she fails.

I don't like seeing people in difficult situations but sometimes I think it's best for people to go through certain things because there are things in life that we may never learn when are in comfort, when everything seem to be right.

If not for situations, there wouldn't have been growth and motivation. Imagine you have everything you wanted and everything you desire just comes to you at ease, won't you be lazy and useless? You won't even know the worth of that thing.

But if you got it after going through hell, you will know that it's something that deserves to be treated with care.

A life without challenges is a trap and a pathway to destruction. Nothing is ever made without pressure. All the inventions we have in the world today came into existence as a result of challenges, there was a problem on the ground and people got tired of it, so they decided to look for a way out.

Even though I love children so much and would love to give my children the best, I'll never want them to live a life without challenges.

What will they become? They may end up becoming fools and problems to me and the society at large. Let them encounter challenges too so that they can learn.

Though not all kinds of challenges, because there are challenges that people got caught up with that never got solved till they died, some persons even met their ends through those challenges.

Am not talking about such challenges, I am talking about challenges that will spur them to bring out the hidden potential in them.

Funny enough, in almost every terrible situation we find ourselves in, when we are able to come out of it, we learn lessons that no one can ever teach us except life itself.

I love an easy life, I also want the same for my children for my children, but I don't want them to live without knowing that life is a two-edged sword that can bring either pain or peace.

It may sound bad to say that we need challenges in life to keep going higher but it's the truth. The day we stop encountering those obstacles we may eventually get relaxed and that might be the beginning of our doom.

I wouldn't like to have children who can't survive when things start becoming tougher, they should be children who can survive in any situation. Life can be so unpredictable, living without having a first-hand encounter with the other side of it is dangerous.

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