More Than Enough Benefit To Keep Me

More Than Enough Benefit To Keep Me

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Whenever I come in contact with my students outside school and I see the impacts I made in their lives manifesting, I feel like a small god.

Honestly, if it's about remuneration, most private schools don't have anything tangible to offer to anybody. Most of their payment is nothing to write home about, some of you who once taught in private schools can testify.

But teaching is one of the jobs I am willing to do even if there is not going to be a pay attached.

Most people are glued to their jobs for one benefit or the other. it could be the good pay system, allowances, it could be the company one gets from the job, and many other things.

A lot of people would have left their jobs if it were just about the salary they received but beyond the salaries, there are many other benefits attached to different jobs that make people not want to leave.

When I started teaching new, I almost gave up, the stress, the poor salary, and my nagging headmistress made everything frustrating but when I spent more time, got used to the environment, and made friends, leaving the job became something very difficult to do, I have tried it many times but it didn't work out. I always end up missing everything, LOL.

For me, one benefit I get from my work that makes me never want to leave is the company of my students. If it were about salary and other substantial gains, I would have left long ago.

My students and I have this bond that makes me feel complete whenever I am not around them. They became my companion and children at the same time. They became my source of joy and peace. They are the reason why teaching is fun for me.

Recently I was at my family house to visit my siblings. One of my students during teaching practice was passing by on a bike. When he saw me, he drove back, came down from his bike, and greeted me.

People around were just looking at the small uncle the guy was so excited to see and was calling "sir." Gosh, my head swell. I was so proud of myself. He asked for my number and I gave it to him.

He told me he is now a tailor and is planning to go to college next year. I was so happy, I remember telling them about the relevance of acquiring a skill before I left their school. I'm glad he didn't take my advice for granted.

Only the work of teaching can give one the opportunity to raise another person and impact his/her life. That alone is a very huge benefit for me. It's the reason why I don't plan to leave my current job for now. Though if I get a good job I will leave. We should not stay in the same place for long.

If the teacher to student relationship is taken out of the educational system, nothing will make me a teacher in this life again. It's part of the things that make me enjoy the work. Even if I don't get a good payment. The joy I derive from interacting with those kids is also a good reward because on a normal day, you will hardly get that kind of opportunity.

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