Let Peace Reign

Let Peace Reign

Photo by Jonathan Meyer

Making peace may sound very easy to execute until someone offends you. Every time I hear peace say, "is it this little thing that is pissing you off? just forgive the person, just overlook the matter," I smile.

It's easy to say anything when you are not the victim. You may never understand where the shoe hurts if you are not the one wearing it. Maybe when the act is done to you, then you will understand that letting something slide is not as easy as we see it.

It takes grounded maturity and selflessness to overlook things so that peace will reign. Anyone full of himself can not be a peacemaker because sometimes it will make you look stupid, it could attract shame, it could even make you take whips that were not for you.

This is why people who make peace genuinely are only a few, it's a trait that is uncommon. If you have it, don't trade it for anything. It's one trait that I am eagerly pursuing.

My Recent Experience

A few weeks ago, I went to a funeral service of one of my friends who passed away in a ghastly motor accident.

I couldn't attend the church service due to some reasons, so I decided to stay at one of my friend's house which is close to the church.

After the service, me and the guy joined those going to the deceased house to bury the corpse. On our way, we stumbled upon my friend's ex-girlfriend (the one I was walking with) standing by the junction.

The lady and I used to be very cool, I often called her "our wife". So, when we met that day, I was like, "Our wife, you also made it here?"

She replied, "Yeah". We exchanged greetings, she and her ex-boyfriend also spoke well. Then I said, "Come let's go together or are you waiting for our new inlaw?"

She smiled and said "No," then I laughed and walked away. As soon as my friend and I arrived at the burial place and tried to get somewhere to hang around because the place was crowded, someone touched me, and when I turned it was the lady.

She started ranting, telling me never to talk to her the way I did today. I became confused. The more I tried to ask her what I did, the more she raised her voice and it was causing a scene. When my friend intervened, she was like I said, she was flirting with men and she was waiting for one of them.

The thing surprised me, I held her hand and said "Sorry, you quoted me wrong but I won't argue, please forgive me."

She pushed my hand and walked away. I never felt so embarrassed as that day, all eyes were on us. She could have called me aside and expressed her grievance and not do it publicly like that, and in the place of mourning for that matter.

Though I was embarrassed, I felt peace subsequently because I wondered how stupid I would have looked if I had retaliated.

If I find myself in the same situation, I'll still choose the path of peace, I mean I didn't die after the event. I am also so sure that the lady was shamed by my reaction.

Violence isn't always the best way to resolve disputes. A simple "am sorry" can prevent a fight that could take years to settle. You don't have to always be wrong to apologize or make peace, if it lies within your power to do it, don't hesitate.

Some see it as a weakness, but it's the highest form of wisdom and maturity.

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