Influencing The Public My Own Way

Influencing The Public My Own Way

Photo by Liza Summer

Social life is one of the most difficult lifestyles for me. I am generally shy not just when I am around an audience physically but even online. In no second you will find me shivering like a chicken that has been beaten by rain lol.

Being an influencer is not something that has ever crossed my mind, I mean I have never thought about it but if one would take a close look at it, it's something great, maybe after today, I would start making arrangements to become one but I may have a very big problem in sitting before the camera LoL.

If I were to be a social media influencer, I think my field would be fashion, yeah! I love fashion so much not for myself alone but for people too. I love seeing people look nice. Many individuals are having problems with fashion. They think it's something people do for a show off. However, I won't blame them because there are people who dress well just to intimidate others, and trust me I am not praying to influence such.

There is nothing wrong with looking smart and presentable, sometimes it earns us respect as well, the truth is my own pattern of fashion is going to look totally weird to a lot of people who don't like decent dressing. Gosh! At this point, I wish I was a lady hehe, many ladies don't respect decency anymore, they think fashion is exposing your body parts to the world.

Some of them believe that's the best way to show the world your beauty but no!! Have you seen Arabian women before? If beauty is by exposing your bodies I think they should be the ugliest right? But if you are opportune to see their faces you would know that God is wonderful.

I would try to first of all transform the minds of my fans to see decency as the main goal. You don't need to be rich or poor before you look nice and decent. Wherever you stand is a good ground. One thing I would also be known for apart from decency is being realistic. I learned that most influencers show the public unrealistic things.

They only show the positive side but keep the other part away. And think that is wrong, if you want someone to be like you, you need to show them everything they need to know, let them see both the ugly side and the beautiful side if they can cope fine if they can not let them go. This is one of the problems most celebrities have, they find it extremely difficult to show the public who they really are.

Their lives on the screen are totally different from the ones outside. I know I might change along the line, but then, I will do all it takes to ensure that I stay true and real. One of the reasons why we have many fake people today is because those they are looking up to are also living fake, their followers end up struggling to live what they see and yet not arrive there because it's not real.

Most celebrities only wear those funny dresses we see them with on stage, they don't wear them for their normal lives. I wonder why a lot of us are blind to these things. Well, that's one downside of being an influencer, anything you do has the power to affect the lives of your followers. so live with caution as you don't know whom your life is affecting out there.

Am I Trying To Be An Influencer?

The answer is no for now, but the truth is that all of us are influencers already, people are watching the way we live, and trust me there are many who are looking up to us and already copying what we are doing. So it's best we live cautiously, so as not to ruin the lives of others even without our knowledge.

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