Fast Foods Or Homemade Food

Fast Foods Or Homemade Food

Photo by Chan Walrus

Food is life, it's something every human needs for survival. It's one of the things that we can't completely do without.

While I was still going to school and depending on my parents, I never had an issue when it came to food until I graduated and started taking responsibility for myself.

It was then I realized how difficult it is to get what to eat even if you have it available or have money to purchase it. The quest to get money got me so busy that sometimes even when I am hungry, I don't even take my time to give my body the kind of food it deserves.

The truth is when it comes to food, I prefer to prepare what to eat at home by myself rather than get fast food but I have a little problem, I don't know how to cook. Most times when I cook I don't get the taste I want out of it.

A lot of times the only option I have is to get the food from any restaurant close by or buy junks which I got tired of subsequently.

While I was living alone, whenever I wanted to eat something I didn't know how to prepare very well, I bought from restaurants but when it's something I can prepare I don't hesitate to prepare it myself

The truth is cooking your food yourself has a lot of advantages, it saves you money and also gives you the opportunity to make your food to your taste and eat to your satisfaction.

From restaurants you can only get the quantity they give you and whatever they prepare even if it's not the way you want it. Sometimes costing the same amount of money that you if should use to prepare food by yourself, it may take you days.

But what can we do? Sometimes, one doesn't have a choice other than to get food fast food, especially when you are working.

Cooking takes a lot of time, and I am sure most of us don't have that kind of time. Fast Food will save us time and help us do whatever we want when it is supposed to.

I know I love homemade food but with the kind of work I do, most times the best available option is fast food, they may not be satisfying, they may even be junk but they help me to keep to especially when what I am doing is time-based.

It is so unfortunate that I don't even have enough time to give my stomach the kind of food it wants. Sometimes I wish I had a cook. Life would have been sweet, I would have just concentrated on my work and whenever I am hungry, I'll just go and get the food from the kitchen and enjoy myself but wishes are not horses, LOL.

It's even recently that my mom and younger sister joined me in our new house that I started eating real homemade food on Sundays, and during holidays, those days used to be like heaven on earth but they don't last.

They are not always around, my mom goes to her restaurant in the morning and returns at night, and my younger sister is at school. Only God knows how I am praying for her to graduate.

For now, I still don't have any option but to patronize restaurants during working days or buy junk, hoping for Sunday to arrive soon.

Sometimes I just which I can throw away some of my activities and just have enough time to always prepare the kind of food I want to eat, well maybe subsequently, I'll do that but for now, I don't have a choice yet.

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