Dear Tim

Dear Tim


While growing up, Tim lacked nothing, it was not as if his parents had everything but the little they had, they ensured they made life pleasant for him. He went to the best private schools from primary to secondary. Food was never an issue, he never slept hungry not for a day.

But his father whom he loves so much was never there even when he needed him the most. On his graduation day from high school, poor Mr Nyberg came late. He didn't witness Tim's presentation and he was not in the picture they snapped.

Tim gradually develops a hatred for the man and doesn't even want to hear about him. Being a driver and a hard-working man Mr Nyberg barely spends two hours each day with his family. His last born didn't even know him by face very well.

One fateful Saturday, they were all home when they got a call that their father slum at the park. Their mother quickly went to the hospital and found him lying helpless on the bed. The next day, he gave her a letter sealed in an envelope. He told her to give Tim on his eighteenth birthday. His wife looked at him with tears dripping from her eyes. She knew he was not going to make it. The following morning, he gave up the ghost.

A year later, on the 19th of February, 2011, Tim turned eighteen. It was such a great day for him and the entire family. " I have a special gift for you the mother said. "Really?" Tim replied beaming with excitement. "Yeah and it's from your Dad", she whispered as she walked inside and brought a brown envelope. "What's that?" Tim asked. "Why not check for yourself ?" The mother replied as she went into the kitchen to prepare some food.

Out of curiosity, he went into his room, opened the envelope expecting a cheque slip of millions but he saw a letter and it read

Dear Tim

"I have been waiting for this day to arrive ever since I gave birth to you. life is not a bed of roses, this is one thing I don't want you to forget. As a kid, life may look very simple and easy but as an adult, you will see another phase you never thought existed.

You are now a man. I won't be here with you forever, I want you to think broadly, work hard, be smart, and be strong. One day, you will have your mom, siblings, and even your family to cater for.

Every day you wake up and see food, you ask for money and you get it at ease. We were making all those things available for you to enjoy life. Sometimes, we borrow to make those provisions for you, I know you don't know about the borrowing but don't feel bad it is worth it.

I understand that you want to be like the other kids out there, I wish I could make you what you want but you see all hands are not equal. I was not given the best as a child but I want my children to have the best I can offer.

I want you to know that I love you so much, you complain that I don't have time for you. I wish I could make you understand that all my life, nothing makes me happy like being with you but you see, life won't let me. Every day is on the road to get you a better life, I spend sleepless nights some days away from you and your mom. I miss you guys but I have no option. With time you will understand these things for yourself. Don't be quick to judge people, there is always a reason behind every act people display.

Sometimes it's even for our good, your emotion is something you must learn to curtail. Let it not be involved whenever you make decisions. I used to hate my dad too, I thought he never loved us but when he left to be with the Lord, I realized no one ever loved me like him. I pray this will not be the case with you and me.

Learn to appreciate people for who they are, because they don't give you time or attention when you seem to need them most doesn't mean they don't care. Don't always focus on the negative aspects of the lives of those who love you. Try as much as possible to remember the good old times. The days they made you happy as well.

In life, you will fail many times but don't stop trying, keep trying until you make it right. Never allow people to decide for you. Be who you are but always make sure you are doing the right thing.

At some point in life, you will feel the urge to make money through illegal ways, money is money and money is good but cursed money is a trap. Stay true and keep away from all forms of evil if you want to have genuine success. Work with your hands and avoid what belongs to others.

Son, I have so much to say but time, wouldn't permit me. As you clock eighteen, you will begin to see life the way it truly is, I wish I could be there to guide you but as I am writing this now, I am not sure if I would reach the next day.

My blood pressure rose and the doctors said my life is in God's hands. When I heard that, your thoughts were all that shrouded my heart. I wish I could see your face even if it's just once before I leave. I am giving this later to your mom to present to you on your eighteenth birthday, just in case I am not there with you bodily anymore.

I love you so much. I believe the man that you are. Be of high spirit, work hard, never give up, and always be the man of your word."

From your beloved father Nyberg.

After reading this letter, young Tim broke down in tears, came outside, and apologized to his mom for being wrong about his dad. That letter became his road map, his motivation, and his hope. The young man kept pursuing his dreams and never gave up until he eventually made it at the end. He often regrets hating his dad. "I can't even remember the last time I told him I loved him while he was alive", Tim Always says to himself. Well, that's a bygone. Life goes on.

To you out there, show love and appreciate those you love when you have the opportunity even if they seem to be busy or tough and uncaring because a day will come when you won't have that privilege anymore.

I really didn't know what story to write, I just hope you enjoyed this one. By the way, it's a fictional story. sorry it's lengthy.

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