Coping with the stress and light from computers


We are in Computer generation. one can sit even at the very comfort of his home and get his activities done without having to waste money on transportation. Computers have really made work easier and more comfortable to man. It has a lot of advantages ranging from speed, accuracy, versatility, efficiency, large storage e.t.c. though computers have many advantages yet they can crash and also get spoilt. But they are very reliable, always ready to obey any command provided the rules are followed accurately.

I really appreciate technology for computers, I have found a companion and a working tool at computers. My phone has been one gadget that has always been by my side 24/7 . It can take me everywhere around the world while sitting right in my room. it is none living yet it knows how to comfort me whenever I am bored and alone. I only wish phones could talk😁😁. In computers I have seen a device that can and has replaced man in terms of labour.

Working on computer is really nice, they advantage of computers are enormous as I said earlier on, but everything that has an advantage also has disadvantage. Though computers have reduced the level of work load on man, making everything easier and flexible but remember computers can not operate theirselves, they need someone to operate them. Technology is growing fast and everything has be computerized.

This evolution has quite reduced work on man but has brought it's own form of labour, helping man not to use his strength to work is a help indeed but operating the computer for a long time is also another form pressure, since we say computers have taken over most of the works, it then means that he that operates the computer would now be the one to do all the work in disguise. Too much work, no matter how easy and comfortable it is can weary the body. The body would always remain a body, once there is excess pressure exerted on it, it would react.


Computers have light on their screens to enable visibility we all are aware that excess exposure of eyes to the light can cause harm to the eyes. What shall we do then? Should we abandon our work because of that problem? Remember if there is no work, there won't be money and if there's no money there won't be food. If we say we want to relegate computers we would be amazed how many people would loose their jobs and how many businesses would crash. Life would be hard and boring without computers Whether we like it or not we are using computers either directly or indirectly. If you say you are not for the computers are you not banking? Shut down computers and see whether banks would still run well. The point I am trying to make here is , we can't live here on Earth without computers, since It is so, we need to be mindful of how we use it as to not endanger our health.


There is always a way out for every problem, most times we suffer because we don't adhere to instructions. We pay more attention to making money without considering our healths.


Here is how I cope with the stress.
Working on computers is very stressful, the only difference it has with working out there using manual tools is that manual tools consumes more energy and wearies the body faster . Sometimes I get so stressed that I sleep without knowing while working. I often get scared to start typing because I know if I start, stopping it is really going to be a problem. Life is not all about work, we have other things to do, some of us are married, though I am still single and not searching 😁 but we have families to give our time to also, we have chores, and many other activities to do. We need to know how to balance our work with all these responsibilities. In balancing the work with other activities is where another problem always sets in, we are humans and we must get tired, whether we desire it or not. Imagine you finish typing for 5 hours only to step outside and meet house chores waiting for you. Okay! let's not even bother about the issue of chores and family only the work singled is a big load own it's own. If we don't manage the stress well it will later become a serious problem for us. Below are few things I do to manage the stress I encounter from working on computers


1 . Know your limit : it is all together left for us to decide when to stop working especially for freelancers. You work at your own comfort , you are in charge of all your activities. It is easier for one to over work his/her self in this condition. You feel you have all the time you need, and you have to get everything done today. Well I used to be like that before , but I have to change when my body started reacting seriously. We need to know when to stop and when to continue working, once our bodies starts signaling us that it needs rest, please let us respect it. Anytime I am working and I know I have overworked myself, I shut down everything and get some sleep to cool my head , Later I can continue. our brains are like machines, when they are overworked they get tired and can break down. Break down by frustrating you through confusing whatever you are doing. When my body demand rest, I get a quiet place, play a soft music while I lay myself down to get some good sleep or take a walk around the compound to receive some fresh air. Sometimes you can even get a glass of juice or your favorite meal and eat. Your body is not a slave, you need to treat it well.


2 . Plan your activities : planning my activities is one of the methods that has fetched me a lot of time to rest during and after my work. Since I know that I am the boss of my self, I need to schedule all my activity. Every office has time for every activity. I plan a time table, though it is not too necessary but inorder not to be lazy or get things mixed up , I prefer to use a time table. Everything I do has its time, I discovered that we have more than enough time to meet up with all our activities. It is just us that don't plan well. Time management is very effective. I know how many hours it takes me to write , if you don't, you can find it out by setting a timer. I know how many hours I should give to anybody that comes to visit me, I know how many hours it takes me to do my chores at home. If you can get all these things in place you will discover that at the end you can even get time to take a walk and see the beauty of nature 🥰. If the day won't be convenient for work then you can use the night. Find time and rest during the day, then in the night do your work. Nature can not be cheated, if you try to play tricks with it, it might harm you.


3 . Follow manufacturers instructions: every gadget we use has instructions, violating any can cause us harm, though it might not be instant but expect it subsequently. I don't use my phone with all the brightness, there is eye Care mode, I don't hesitate to turn it on when I know I would be on the phone for a long period of time. Once my eyes starts paining I take a break from work and relax small then continue afterwards. If I can't meet up with the work I kindly forfeit it. If I should fall sick because of the work, it will be that same money I will spend to treat myself, prevention is better than cure


4 . Love what you do: no matter the methods and strategies we use to reduce stress , it will still come back and definitely frustrate us. one thing that keeps me going on every work I do is the love and passion I have for the work. Our work should be something that gives us joy and not something that we complain over daily. If your job gives you happiness, you won't mind the stress. Truth be told some times we just have to force ourselves to work because no matter what we may do, stress would still be there. That is why it is advisable we do what we love. Don't just work for money, work because that is your passion.let love be part of the motivation for your work and you will see how interesting it will be for you. Even if you don't want to work, you won't know what is pushing to it because it is what gives you joy.


5 . Don't forget to eat: sometimes we work and even forget to eat. That is very bad. Food is necessary for growth and development, I don't mean junks but adequate diet, our bodies need it. Anytime I am working and I feel hungry I use to stop and look for food. Work can be so tough sometimes that we might not even feel hungry but that is harmful, I am not a medical personnel but we all know about ulcer and others😁. Do you know that when you eat you get refreshed and fresh energy begins to flow ? We are working for the stomach, why not find time and give it what is expected? No matter how busy you might be please find time and eat. I am not saying you should be a glutton but don't forget your meal.

This is my entry for week 33 Edition 03 contest, titled: computers on Hive Learners community. You can check @kronias for more details.

Thank you for reading through 🙏🙏♥️. I would love to hear your on views on this matter, feel free to drop a comment. I love you much, yes you🥰🥰😁

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