Coping With Societal Pressure

Coping With Societal Pressure

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Every age has a kind of lifestyle that is considered valid by society, especially young people, anyone who fails to meet up with that kind of life becomes low-class, unsocialized, and old school.

We know we are not in any form of competition neither are we indebted to anyone but we still feel the urge to do something to meet up to feel among. This is what a lot of us go through. Unless we master how not to do what everyone else is doing, we may not be able to escape societal pressure.

These days societal pressure has caused so many people to shift from light to darkness, and most people still claim to be ignorant of it. funny enough, some individuals are even happy about it. I met someone who is bragging about being an internet fraudster, funny right? I thought as much.

If I say that I am not affected by societal pressure too I lie, if I say I have mastered how to look away from what's going on in society today I am a big liar. One of the pressures that has been on my neck is the desire to rich money quick and live a luxurious life.

If not that God had been so faithful, I would have done so many evil things to achieve this desire already. But each time I take a step towards it, I find myself going away from it, this can only be God.

It's beautiful to live a life of comfort, full of luxury but wanting it by all means because it's what everyone seems to be doing is wrong. We are in a time where young people are getting rich every day, money is now nothing before society, it's something some young people see as thrash. Young people drive expensive cars, wear expensive clothes, and build houses that even some salary earners can't afford.

Some of them are our peers, in fact, some are even our friends, seeing things like that makes me feel like I am not serious in this life sometimes, it puts me in so much pressure to want to live that kind of life too. It hurts so much to see your mates cruising life and you are here still struggling to survive. There is a way it makes someone feel.

How I Cope

Some time back, I saw myself trying to get rich by all means, worrying unnecessarily, and just trying to cope with trends, to be honest, it was so frustrating. I had to sit myself down and ask myself questions that brought me back to my senses.

It's a good thing to be rich and live an expensive life, but there is a process attached to everything in life, so why the rush? Who do I want to impress? The society that seems to be mounting pressure on you probably doesn't even know that you're existing.

in the end, you would discover that society isn't putting any pressure on you, you have been the one pressuring yourself all this while. There is this popular street quote, "plus you minus you, the ship will still sail." Why not take things one step at a time if it's so then?

I had to calm myself at some point after coming to that understanding. I decided to take life at my pace if you like to have all the money in the world, it's yours, enjoy it. As for me, the little I have is enough for me, moreover, I am still working and building myself for a better tomorrow.

Facing every day with a contented heart has been one of the effective weapons in combating the pressure to make money quickly and live a luxurious life for me. It works like magic each time I tell myself, "There is hope for the living just keep building yourself". The small life I am living right now is what someone out there is craving for, so I should be grateful for what I have.

Moreover, I don't even know the source of the money of those whom I see living the expensive life I treasure. If I want to make clean and legit money, then I must bend myself to the law of process and allow it to do its work.

Another method that works well for me is admitting that whosoever has the money now, it's his or her time. We may be born the same day but our timing for being successful might not be the same. Does that mean I should be relaxed? No, I keep working. If you win I celebrate with you and keep building myself, no hard feelings.

I also avoid going to places I know I am not supposed to visit. I know you might say, there is nothing wrong with going out. Yes there isn't, but I know myself very well, prevention, they say is better than cure.

Fighting societal pressure is not as difficult as it may look, it's just mindset, you can position your heart in such a way that things like that won't bother you at all. You can be so positive-minded that your mind won't be carried away by these things.

Once in a while keep away from society, try to view life from a distance and you will see the futility in some of the things we are killing ourselves for. No wonder they say, if you really want to see what's going on, get away from the crowd.

If society tries to pressure you to do something wrong, convert the energy and use it for something good. Let the pressure spur you to live in your comfort zone and be a better version of yourself.

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