Another World In Disguise

Another World In Disguise

Edited On Canva

Taking pictures is not something I love doing, I was just wondering what to snap, I went out and came back many times and nothing seemed to capture my attention.

So, I decided to get some sleep. When I woke up, the first thing my eyes captured was my mobile phone. I spent some time staring at it like my girlfriend.

Now I have gotten what I want to snap but how to snap it became a problem because there was no phone close by to snap it with and I couldn't afford not to talk about it, even if I had something else to talk about.

Just like magic, I heard a knock at my door and when I opened it, it was my friend, prayer answered, I begged him to lend me his phone and I quickly did the needful.

That beautiful gadget has done so much in life, almost 80% of my achievements in life currently can be traced to this very gadget. Just wonder what life would have been if it had not been created in the first place.

Look at it, it isn't the most expensive phone on earth, it does not have the best qualities amongst phones but it can do wonders for you if you have the right knowledge.

This phone has become an integral part of my life. The relationship between me and the phone is something I can't explain, I don't think there's any human on earth that has my time like this device, sometimes I call it my best companion, it is always ready to listen to me, and not criticize me or even get tired of me, as long as I put everything it needs in place.

Whenever I am bored it's there to light my mood through movies, music, and so on
It has even become an office for me, with the way things are difficult in Nigeria, if not for this phone, I don't know how my financial life would have been by now.

This is the first brand new mobile phone I bought. It felt like heaven when I was getting it off its carton. If not for anything I wouldn't say, it is my breakthrough to buying new phones, for so long, I either get phones as a gift from someone or buy one that has already been used by someone.

I never believed that I was going to be able to get a brand-new phone at any moment. Money is not something that comes easily. In fact, I never planned to get any phone as of when I got it but the other phone I was using started misbehaving on its own.

It was obvious that if I didn't get rid of it, it would spoil in my place and I was not planning to take chances. I discussed my problem with my friend and he said I should just get a new phone since the device is what I am using to work.

He also told me about his plans to get a brand-new phone. I got motivated by what he said and I made arrangements. It was a Spark10 Pro I wanted to get, but the person whom I sent to buy the phone for me said I should try this very one, that the features are almost similar and the process is less.

I sent him the complete money for spark10 Pro, but then he bought an Infinix Hot 30i and sent the balance back. I wasn't a fan of Infinix at first but ever since I started using this phone, I developed a love for their phones.

This phone is a miracle phone, everything happened for me not to have it but fate said no, I feel happy having it though I know I would be changing it soon. And guess what? Each time I look at it, I see Hive, it's the first device I bought with my earnings from Hive.

Our phones mean different things to us but mine is my friend, brother, and office, it's something that is not living yet a day without it is like being in hell. I find it more reliable than some humans, sorry to say that but it's the truth.

I wonder how scientists were able to come up with this invention, imagine a small device like this yet the world revolves around it. There is so much attached to mobile phones than our eyes can see, it's another world of its own.

Nevertheless, how you use it determines whether it will be a blessing or a curse to you. it can either be a tool of breakthrough or a tool of destruction to you. It is completely left to you to decide.

Note: All images are mine

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