A Rule I Can't Break

A Rule I Can't Break

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

We are uniquely made, everyone has principles that they live by and these principles vary from person to person based on beliefs, past experiences, backgrounds, and so on.

Every act people display whether good or bad is tied to what they believe and hold dear as a life rule.

One rule I have been living by for years is the principle of "Being considerate." We are all humans, it's selfish to expect people to be good and nice to us when we don't do the same to others.

Each time I see people maltreating others the first thing that comes into my mind is, has this person tried putting himself in these people's shoes? There are certain things we do unto others that if the same thing were to be done unto us, I bet you, we would never forgive the person.

I know people can be funny at times, the little opportunity they get, they take it for granted, yet we all ought to be considerate of one another. If you can't do it without making a mistake, don't expect another person to do it without making a mistake too.

I may be a bad person but I do my best to treat anyone around me the same way I expect to be treated out there. Before I take every action, I ensure I weigh it. I check my heart, and I test run it using myself as a sample, if I can bear it then I will proceed but if I can't, then I dare not do it to anyone.

We are humans, all of us are vulnerable, and none of us is perfect, if you expect too much out of people, you will end up hurting them and yourself as well. We just have to take people for who they are.

Weigh your life, consider how frail you are as a human, and you will never treat anyone badly, regardless of the situation. In life whatever we sow, is what we will definitely reap, don't expect to be treated well when your attitude towards others is bad. If you can't forgive, don't expect forgiveness from anyone because the person you want to forgive you is human and also has a heart.

I live every day being mindful of these things, it's not as if I am expecting anyone to treat me well though but I do these things because I know how it feels to be disregarded, disappointed, and thrown away. The feeling is not nice.

I remember a time I went for computer training, the guy teaching us asked a question and I answered based on what I knew.

The next thing I heard was you are very daft, come on sit down. I was around 18 years old then, and I felt like the ground should open its mouth and swallow me.

The guy didn't even consider the people around. From that day, I stopped responding to questions in class even if I knew the answers, he destroyed my courage.

Not everyone is as brilliant and smart as we are, we just have to learn how to put ourselves in people's shoes to be able to to understand what makes them what they are.

Many people think I am nice and good but seriously I am not, I just know what it feels like not to be treated the right way because of our flaws, and that is why I treat people the way I do. I believe everyone is special regardless of our flaws and as such we should be treated well.

But I must also strike a Balance the fact that I am considerate doesn't mean I don't apply wisdom. Some people ought to be handled with iron hands, like those who always take people's simplicity for granted and as an opportunity to cheat them.

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