A Cage In The Form Of A Loan

A Cage In The Form Of A Loan

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"Debt can turn a free, happy person into a bitter human being."

Michael Mihalik

All my life if there is anything I fear greatly apart from poverty, it's "debt,' it's like
cancer that eats slowly until it destroys. Like the quote above, you smile when getting the loan, and then subsequently, you lose your joy and become miserable if you are not able to pay it back.

I have seen great and responsible people become miserable and irresponsible because of loans, I have also heard of those who committed suicide because of loans.

I have also seen people who through loans become great in life. One thing most people don't know about loans is that they can either be a blessing or a curse, they can either make or destroy, and it all depends on how you use them.

"Money is like the wind," as many describe it, if you don't have what to trap it with, don't even think of getting it yet because it will complicate things for you.

I grew up knowing how dangerous loan can be, so in all my affairs, I do my best to keep off its lane but you know life happens, if all those things you are scared of and have been running away from don't catch up with you at one point or the other, I am afraid, you have not yet started life.

In the year 2022, I wanted to fix my room, I needed to make the place nice. It used to be in a very bad condition.

I got all the materials needed. That time I was among those benefiting from N-power.

On the day I fixed the work, everything was fine by morning, the workers came and started working. Suddenly, I got a call from a friend, asking for help. I knew his condition, he was in debt and the person was threatening to invite the police if he didn't refund.

He knew I just got my salary. Funny enough, the only money in my account that day was the money to settle workers. I made him understand the situation on the ground and he promised to pay back the next day.

After so much thought, I decided to give him the money and borrowed the same amount from my neighbor to settle the workers with the hope that when he brings the money the next day I'll pay her back.

The next day his number was off, I went to his shop and I learned he traveled. My neighbor started asking for her money. I got so confused, I just collected my salary, and I was not expecting any money anytime soon.

I explained my predicaments to her but she was not ready to listen, so she took the matter to my Mom. My Mom frowned at my attitude, especially when she learned I lent money when I had a project on the ground. She later pleaded with the woman to give me a little time and she agreed.

Guess what happened? It was then the government started misbehaving. Salary stopped coming. That moment was like hell for me. Anytime I saw my neighbor I ran and hid, even if she just wanted to greet me, I felt like she was going to ask for her money.

When she got tired of waiting, she came and told my mom that she was going to take anything from my room and sell it to get her money.

We had to beg again, I thank God for my mom if not I didn't know what that woman would have done to me. She just lost all the trust she had for me.

It was after three months they paid us. When I got my salary, I didn't hesitate, I went straight to her house and paid off the loan. She didn't ask for any interest but I know she won't trust me with money again

I felt so bad about the whole thing, But I had no other option than to take the loan from her, it was like the only option I had then.

Later, my Friend called and apologized, he told me he left unannounced because he didn't want anyone to know where he was until he settled all his debt. I felt for him though, when I demanded my money he started complaining again, so lastly, I told him to give me half of it and keep the rest and that was how we resolved the matter.


Never collect a loan when you don't have any means to pay it back the next minute if the lender should come for it. It will cause you so much pain.

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