My favourite sport: football

I believe the most popular sport in the world with most sports lovers and fans is football which is loved around the world by different people to unite as one. The love and passion fans derive for the sport is awesome and amazing which is definitely nice to be part of. No doubt when it comes to sport, it is the ability to keep fit and maintain a strong and healthy body to the people participating in it and also in that aspect it brings people all over the world to come together to be part of this awesome game.

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The emotions derived in football is extraordinary especially when your in support of a particular team either by club or country or probably both. The aim of football is to always be in the winning side which gives one moral to talk good things about such club and quality they display that leads to good results and at the same time such emotions can be in an unhappy mood when a country or club is at a loosing side or probably lost a game the feelings of such fans will be down which is definitely the spirit and passion for the game.

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Sports in general brings people together and also sports displays love as well which is why I appreciate it when the banner of "say no racism" is displayed because it's shows we are one whether black or white, we breath in the same air and rule the world together.

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I believe football lovers, players and fans cares about what's happening around the world especially when a country is going through crises like what Ukrainians are going through at the moment their love messages passed across before a match is awesome and kind to show gratitude that war isn't the best solution but peace which we all hope for and every citizens really need the love and care at the moment.

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Football is definitely a game you would not want to miss because of the excitement, drama, surprises and emotions one will derive during a football match. The excitement never stops which is definitely the joy of the game and the competitions attached to the game as well is what makes most fans cherish the game.

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The world cup is around the corner and is every fans joy to see it nation qualify for the major tournament that occurs every four years which is definitely not an event to miss because of the excitement as well attached to it with every country aiming for that world cup.

Football is my favourite sport and I love it because is a game that has the saying "it is never over until it is over" and also "this is football anything can happen".

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