Hi everyone, Happy First Sunday of the Month to y'all!
With you here is ebass, and today is another edition of Creative Sunday, and I'll be doing a piano freestyle today as an entry for my Creative Sunday section.

This medley inspired me while having a personal rehearsal. And it has been stocked in my head since that very day. I find it really hard sometimes to play a piano without getting to switch to that medley.

I never planned to use it as an entry video for my Creative Sunday section at first, but after a very stressful Sunday service, everyone was way too tired to have my time.

And then I decided to switch up and change my initial plan to playing a piano freestyle.

And trust me to say it was nice at the end of the day. I really found it hard to do at first because it was the first of its kind.

But I literally had no other choice but to eventually do it like that. And I had to rush it down because my videographer was in a hurry to go home. But eventually he had pity on me and spared little of his time to help cover me.

The tough part of the whole thing

It was a really great one for me, I must say. Even though it was really hard for me to do at first because I was finding it really hard to face the camera at first to do the talking,.

I'm the kind of person who finds it really difficult to face a camera. Because the moment I decide to do that, I'm never serious or might end up playing what I'm not supposed to play.

I might have been doing it right all along, but the moment I decide to make a video or the moment I sense I'm being covered by one, I begin to lose it and start doing what I'm not meant to do😂.

I just really hope I become more confident and bold enough to face the camera soonest.

I hope you enjoy every moment spent watching. Thank you for taking the time to go through my amazing video content.

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